Mark Me

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*she mentioned that she wanted a story about Donghua and Feng Jiu :)

It was spring, as it always was in Taichen Palace. Donghua was returning from his daily trips to Lian Song's chambers for a cup of tea and casual chat.

He found a young girl nestling in Feng Jiu's arms. That girl had obviously been found in the Celestial Palace, for some magical aura hung about her.

Seeing Feng Jiu stroke the young girl's hair and coo to her, Donghua, unexpectedly, felt tinges of jealousy. She never did that to him, nor their kid.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"A little girl I found in the mortal realm. Isn't she simply adorable? I want to keep her as my own." Feng Jiu replied, oblivious to Donghua's frustration.

"And her name...?" Donghua prompted.

"I want to name her." Feng Jiu said, tickling her nose.

Donghua's fists clenched. He was hating this little girl more every minute that passed.

"How would you feel about Qingyun?" Feng Jiu asked.

Donghua's eyes narrowed. This was a name Feng Jiu had said she wanted to name their child if it was a girl.

"Must it be Qingyun?" Donghua asked between gritted teeth.

"That's my favourite name, Husband." Feng Jiu replied, completely blind to Donghua's increasing anger.

"Well, if you must... what about a position in the Palace?" Donghua asked sarcastically.

"Of course, that's only natural." Feng Jiu replied, fussing over the girl, and then bending down and kissing her on the cheek.

Donghua's rage exploded.

In an instant, Feng Jiu found herself whisked into Donghua's lap.

"You marked her, Jiu'er." Donghua hissed. "You left me out."

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