Chapter 1 - The Call To War

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"Your majesty," the knights saluted King Darius in unison, armour glistening in the candle light.

"My soldiers, it is with greatest regret that I announce that the war is upon us. We can no longer ignore the inevitable, the preparations are almost done but we must prepare our minds too. I will fight besides you, die besides you, triumph besides you, but only fight for me if your heart desires to fight." The King was solemn as he spoke, voice heavy with dread.

One young man chuckled, shaking his head "My Lord, nobody wants to die when we could flee, but to be at the mercy of a ruler who kept peace in our lands and food on our every plate, why, it almost seems right to die for you, our Queen, and the Princess," a few knights shouted their agreements and the King smiled.

"I thank you all for your courage and bravery, for your loyalty to me and your undying faith in me. Let us rest, for tomorrow, the war will be up on us."

As the sun rose in the far distance, soldiers prepared themselves for battle. They were tense. The silence was thick enough to cut through with a knife. Comrades embraced each other in what could have been their last breakfast.

The King paced anxiously in the hall. They had been over their battle stratergies numerous times over the last few weeks but he was still on edge. The army that would arrive would far outweigh his own. He did not want to kill all his people, but his kingdom owed a debt to the others beyond it and were set up to slow down the oncoming apocalypse.

He slouched once more in his throne, crown heavy on his head. He felt suddenly ridiculous in his get up. He removed his crown and robe and called for his armour.

"I do not wish to sit idly in this battle. The debt our kingdom owes is due to my fathers shortcomings as King, therefore I must stand by my people in our darkest hour to show them I am not the same cruel man." He was vulnerable as he spoke before the few other men in the room.

Just then, his wife burst through the doors, a small swaddle of cloth in her arms. The King smiled fondly, all his pain momentarily forgotten as he laid eyes on his wife and child.

"Dont tell me you were going to battle without saying goodbye," the Queen reprimanded her husband gently. He pulled her small yet strong frame close to his chest and sighed as he held his family.

"I was just on my way to see you, my love," he gently took his child in his arms, admiring the gentle beauty of his daughter. She gazed up at him with big innocent eyes. He took the time to memorize her every detail. The soft, light curls of her hair, the brilliant range of brown and amber dancing in her eyes, the simple way she showed her love with no words.

"My dear, name her, she is almost 3 months of age and we won't have the time to hold any ceremony for her naming," the Queen informed her husband, watching how he carefully cradled her like a delicate jewel.

"Sapphire," The King murmured softly as his daughter wrapped her small hand around his finger. "My most precious Sapphire, whos beauty and love will aways be unparalleled, whos leadership will move kingdoms in harmony with her. The most pure and innocent soul amongst all this rage."

The King sniffed, his voice growing hoarse with emotion. "All you in this room bear witness to my daughters name, here in my arms lays Princess Sapphire, rightful and only heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Riteron."

The few soldiers and men in the room kneeled before their leaders as the Queen lay a gentle kiss on her daughters head, tears rolling freely from her eyes.

"My daughter, my precious child, I pray you survive this war to live to your fullest potential. You may rise," the Queen instructed the others as she took back her daughter. She gave her husband a chaste kiss before turning on her heel, gown sweeping gracefully behind her, and left.

"My King," the King turned his attention reluctantly to his Knights who had brought his armour. He took the armour into his hands, steeling his nerves as they touched the cool metal.

He looked up suddenly, eyes fixed on something in the distance of his kingdom "Bring me my most decorated Knight, I have one last quest for him," he said with urgency.

"And- and what would that be, my Lord?" The advisor aksed cautiously, questioning how sane a dying mans wish could be.

"To meet Riterons' Dragon."

Thank you all for reading chapter !! Please feel free to tell me what you think!




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