Chapter 13 - In Your Honor

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More than 2 weeks had passed, and not a single rogue attack had happened

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More than 2 weeks had passed, and not a single rogue attack had happened. The sudden silence was strange and unsettling. Are they planning something bigger?

Meanwhile, I was running. I ran hard and fast as a small herd of earth dragons nipped at my heels. They were drakes, 4 strong limbs but no wings, meaning like me they were unable to fly. Which also meant chasing me was their favourite past time. A few tried cheating, raising small rocks and boulders from the earth to trip me, but I was still going strong.

For a moment.

When a large jagged shard shot up to the same height as me I dived to the left, rolling clumsily into the dirt.

Gasping for breath I lay still as I was surrounded by the young earth dragons. They ranged from flowery leafy types to rocky, mantle types. They laughed at me, deep grumbling sounds amongst light and airy ones.

Nudging me with their snouts, I stood and rode one of the larger ones as we made our way to the lake for a drink.

Being young, their speech was not yet developed, meaning they couldnt communicate with me like the older dragons could. But, I had become very good at understanding their grunts and growls.

Cupping my hands in the cool lake water, I splashed some on my face before taking a sip. I lay back in the long grass, enjoying the peaceful moment, surrounded by dragons.

A dark shadow obstructed my tanning and I opened my eyes, sighing deeply. The peace is over. James stood over me, a large grin spread across his face.

"Do be more excited to see me, Sapph," he said, sitting down beside me. I sat up with a small smile

"What do you want now?"

"Hmph," he swatted my arm before taking some papers out of his satchel. "You're going to be 18 soon. I wanted to tell you on your birthday but that plan had changed, you are a princess. So, we thought we'd hold a ball in your honor."

Surprised, I took the papers from his hands. They were various plans for parties and foods and decorations. I was in awe. These plans were intricate and detailed.

"This isn't necessary James, I dont need all this, just extra food," I grinned, still pouring over his ideas.

"Nonsense, I've been working on these since you turned 16. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but one day you are to return home and take the throne. A ball is just one part of that lifestyle."

"Maybe I don't want that lifestyle," I muttered quietly. A pained look crossed James face, just for a moment, before he smiled.

"Do it for me kid, one ball. If you hate it, we'll never have another one," I groaned, he was so excited.

"Fine, just one."

"Great," he stood up and held out his hand for me.


"Well come on child, we have planning to do."

The next few weeks buzzed busily along. I was measured and prodded and poked in the name of a gown. I had tried and tested new recipes, most of them never to be seen again. I had regular meetings with many of the nature dragons who wanted to decorate the valley with special flowers for me.

I felt suffocated.

This was not my life, it was not who I was. I was wild and messy and free. I wore slacks and a blouses for most of my life. I had a loose belt I slung around my hips, often with some small tools attatched. Corsets and long skirts and frills were awful. Dont get me wrong, it was pretty, but I couldn't wear this for the rest of my life.

The only thing that kept me going was Taurus. Infuriating as he was when he mocked my dresses and tasting sessions, each night he let me be free. We would soar through the clouds or run through the mountains, escaping the fever that had overcome everyone. We would run until first light, and then he would carry me back to our nest.

With one week to go until the big day, I was nervous. There was to be singing and dancing and music and I was frightened. Dragons and humans from all across the isles were coming to the celebration.

"James," I called, running into his cave. He looked up at me, face distressed.

"What? Whats wrong? Why do you have that face?!" I knelt beside him on the bed.

"Its Tamina, something is wrong with the baby."

I had run through the caves until I made it to the caves of healing. Finding Tamina, I gasped at the sight of her. She was curled up on the bed in agony. I slowly walked towards her, eyes drawn to the blood pooling between her legs. Tears streamed down her face, hot and fast.

"Oh, Tamina," I sat by her, and she reached her hand out to me. I let her grab mine and she squeezed hard. Sobbing and crying, I held her for hours. She refused to let James see her in this state.

I stroked back her hair, wiping the sweat from her forehead and giving her small sips of water. Tired, she lay her head in my lap, still holding my hand, but gently now.

"Its alright, you're okay," I whispered again, my own tears dangerously close. She rubbed her hand across her belly.

"My baby," her voice was weak and hoarse "I love you, my sweet child."

I squeezed my eyes shut as she cried once again, for the child she would never have. The healing dragons dipped in and out of the room, trying to offer something to releive the pain. But she wanted to feel everything her child was going through as it died.

"We will have a funeral," she said, stroking her empty belly, "in your honor."

I hate it when bad things happen to babies in books but god damn is it dramatic as hell.

What do you think? This is a little shorter than my other chapters, but only by 200 words or so.

See you soon,




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