Chapter 4 - Fire

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Darkness began to set on the battlefield and inside the castle, the fires came to life. Archers had been firing away for hours at any stray soldiers who came within range of the castle wall. Catapults had been loaded and shot several times too at any brave group.

Now, as night fell and the enemy was harder to see the archers along the wall lit their arrows and fired them into the battlefield. They illuminated small patches of ground, only for a few minutes, but it was enough to spot the soldiers further out.

As the archers fired away, James made his way to the Queens chamber, deciding that the cover of darkness would be helpful. As he arrived at the room, he saw the Queen herself holding tightly to his little companion as she looked out at her burning kingdom.

Queen Marian was a brave force in the Kingdom. She had always spoken her mind freely and when her husband had told her of his plans for their daughter, she refused to flee. She too would die for their kingdom and allow her daughter safe passage away. Many of her hand maidens had tried again in vain to make her leave with them, but she refused. She had to do this.

She turned as James entered and gave him a warm smile, "you came," she walked over to James and, to his surprise, embraced him in a one arm hug. He returned it briefly and the lady in his arms looked at him with teary eyes.

"Hey, now, m'lady, we'll be having none of that," James said, rubbing her shoulder gently. The Queen, had been a firm ruler by her husbands side but she still had the most gentle soul. She took a deep breath and nodded, holding out her daughter for the Knight. Carefully, James took the little bundle into his arms.

"Why are you doing this for us? It is a lot to ask for." Marian said bluntly. She wanted him to carry out this task but a part of her needed to know more about this man before she left her child.

"I worked for a wicked man, your majesty, when I was just a few years old. I was beaten and torn into everyday of my life. I ran away from that world, and I became a knight here, just 10 years ago. In those 10 years I did the most unimaginable quests because, despite how hated the late King was, he was better than where I had come from.

Today, a kind and gentle man, a man who could not even imagine to lift a finger upon even an animal, asked me to save his child, lest she comes under the threat of an abuser or death. Coming from where I have come been, I cannot leave her behind. She deserves better, as will this Kingdom once this is over.

I did many horrible things, my Queen, but your daughter is my turning point and my chance to be part of something greater than myself." James rocked the small child gently in his arms. He vowed to himself there, that she would be his only priority, come what may.

"Thank you," Marian said softly, her heart moved by this gruff mans words. She could see in the way he held her daughter that she already meant something to him.

A thunderous boom rocked the castle wall, shattering the moment and bringing them back to their reality.

"Come with us," James said suddenly "these rations are more than enough for one more," he hefted the bag omto his shoulder.

"No, I cannot. I promised my husband that I would stay so we could give our daughter her best chance," Marian kissed her childs head once more.

"And whatever will you do here?" James asked. The Queen was not exactly dressed for battle. She smiled coyly and opened her draw. She drew  out a bow and quiver full of arrows.

"I so did hate cooking lessons as a girl. I traded them for archery." She turned and sashayed to the window. Loading her arrow into the bow, she focused on a target down below and let the arrow fly. It zipped through the air, past her archers on the wall and hit the offending soldier in the chest.

A few of the archers turned to see the shooter and cheered as they spotted their Queen readying for another shot. The field was ablaze by now, illuminating everybody beyond the castle wall.

"Go now, James, before we are overrun." Her voice was cool and calm,  though her heart ached at the loss of her child.

Impressed, he turned away and checked over the supplies once more.

"And James?" Marian called once more.

"Yes, my Queen?"

"Don't let her forget me."

"Of course not, I'll treat her like my own and tell her the tales of her fearless mother and father duo. I promise." And with that, James turned and left.

He ran quickly through the castle, the adrenaline setting in. He has secured a horse for himself and was eager to make distance between him and the castle.

As he reached outside another shock wave rocked the castle. Screams and shouts flooded the night.


"Run! Get help!"

"The Queen! Look-"

Mounting his horse, James crept around the corner of the castle tower. There he saw it all set ablaze and at the top stood the Queen. With fury he had not seen before she stood her ground and fired her bows relentlessy, setting them alight in the flames that threatened to engulf her.

"For Sapphire!" She yelled as she fired her arrows "For Riteron!"

Turning his horse, James checked that his new charge was secure against his chest before they took off for the mountains. Though his Queens words had been brave, he was afraid they would be her last.

Long live the Queen.

What do you think? James and Sappbire are now embarking on their new journey, leaving her noble mother behind. Any ideas on whats to come???

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Love you all, Orange

Love you all, OrangeXxXx

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