Chapter 9 - Awakening

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James rolled on his side, feeling warm and content. He felt hazy as he slowly opened his eyes. Was this heaven? No. He saw himself surrounded by red and he sighed. He was in hell. He was sure of it.

"Bollocks," he muttered, pulling himself into a sitting position. He reached out, rather blindly, to the fire around him and hissed as his finger met the flames.

"I would advise you not to do that again," Soria unravelled herself from her patient, looking down at him. James' head spun as he looked up at the flaming dragon. She was glorious with her red scales and fiery mane, she smelt of woodsmoke and ash.

James looked around suddenly, becoming aware of his surroundings. He was in a small, dark cave. The only furnishing was a thin mat he slept on and a chair in the far corner with a large box by it. Close to the chair there was a tunnel, leading back to what could only be another cave. Behind him there was an opening leading outside where he glimpsed a setting sun.

"Where am I? Am I in Hell?" He catiously asked the flaming beast. The dragon gave hima dry look.

"Well, you're not, infact, dead," Soria informed him. She walked towards the opening of the cave and looked stopped. "This is Draton Isles, home to my clan. You were brought here by Taurus, he took pity on you. You've been here in the cave of healing for almost four days."

James nodded thoughtfully. He ran a hand over his leg, feeling a light bandage wrapped over his thigh. Slowly, he stood up, only feeling the twinge of an unused muscle. He walked over to the opening and took in a deep breath. There was a vast amount of land stretching out beyond his small cave. Mountain ranges, valley dwellings, rivers, forrests, there was everything. And amongst them, the most glorious dragons he had ever seen. They ranged in shape, size and colour, but they all lived together peacefully. They were graceful creatures, wether they were diving into the river or breaking through the clouds.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Soria asked, noticing the awe on the young humans face.

"I- yes, its beautiful. Who are you?" He asked, looking back at the red dragon. She turned her head to him, large russet eyes peircing into him.

"I am Soria, a lyndworm fire dragon. Im much smaller than other fire dragons so I work here, in the healing caves, like a live incubator. I have been with you since dawn." She stretched out her serpent like body, content with her story. "Wait here, I must find Taurus, he wishes to speak with you..." she looked at the human again, waiting for a response.

"Oh, James. I am James, Knight of Riteron. Though I doubt there much left of it." Soria grinned, baring sharp teeth, before slipping away across the valley.

It didnt take her long to locate Taurus. The sulking dragon had frozen his immediate vicinity, making himself right at home within the early summer meadow. Soria sighed, huffing a gentle flame towards her friend. He growled loudly as he woke, turning to snarl at Soria.

"Are you trying to kill me, little spark?" He seethed, approaching her slowly.

"Oh come now, you know the fire wont kill you, and dont call me that." She replied haughtily. "Your human, James, is finally awake. I thought you'd like to know." With that, she turned and began to strut away.

Taurus sighed and followed after her, "thank you." She gave a curt nod to acknowledge him and continued on.

"Are you bonding with them both or not?" Soria asked as they neared the caves.

"Both?!" Taurus was incredulous "I was only thinking about the child, the other human was just an excuse I gave the elders to buy me more time." Taurus was tired of the humans already, he wanted to be left alone.

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