Chapter 30 - His Dying Breath

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The cell was damp and dark, no furnishings or windows in any of them

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The cell was damp and dark, no furnishings or windows in any of them. The coppery scent of James' blood coated everything. We had gathered undershirts and rationed the little water they had given us to dress his wounds. He was deathly pale, his breathing fast and shallow and his skin was clammy.

They didn't bother chaining any of us, the cramped conditions left little room for movement already. The food so far was always the same, 1 loaf of stale bread was tossed between the cell bars and 2 glasses of water were clumsily slammed onto the floor, spilling most of what was in there. We were spread between 3 cells, 15-20 of us in each one. Children and
elderly got the priority for food, but by the second day we were all quickly heading for starvation.

I groaned and sat back, stretching my legs a little as I rinsed out the rag again for James' head.

"I'll take over, you stay put," Cherry said as she took the rag from me and sat by James. Gratefully, I leaned back against the wall, my body aching. Dominic was sat beside me and patted my leg reassuringly.

"Hows your shoulder?" I asked him and he winced as he turned to show me.

"It'been better, thats for sure," he groaned. I gently touched around the angry red welt, spots of blood fotted along it where the skin had broken. I took a small cloth feom the ones we hadused for James and dipped it in the cool water. Quickly, I wiped around the welt, cleaning off the blood and dirt and ignoring the tense grunt from Dominic.

"Thanks," he hissed out as he sat back.

"No problem," I threw the cloth back and sat back, closing my eyes as I leant my head against the wall. How did I get here?

"By flight, my dear." A smug voice replied to my inner thoughts.

"Eron?" I asked, biting my tongue when I asked out loud.

"They took him to the other tower remember?" Aiden replied from across the cell, I nodded and sat back.

Where are you? I thought hard, hoping Eron would hear.

"Relax princess, I can hear you all just fine. Im in a tower seperate to the rest of you. I've been listening in on the guards, trying to see whats happening outside," he filled me in on his telepathic espionage.

Can you hear Magnus?

"Only bits and peices, he seems to be deep underground," his gravely voice swirled in my mind.

"He is waiting for someone, anxiously," he hummed "someone higher up."

Who would Magnus answer too? I thought to myself.

"You okay?" Dominic asked nudging my shoulder. I smiled and nodded, taking care to leave my face neutral.

"Sapphy..." a small voice croaked from across the cell. I scrambled forward, and cradled James' head in my hands.

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