Chapter 14 - Alone

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Two days later, we stood at the edge of the main island

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Two days later, we stood at the edge of the main island. Tamina was on the back of her dragon, Zentar, who had come back from one of the distant islands when he heard of her distress. He was an ethereal dragon, a mystic type dragon who could manipulate life force even without a direct bond like a claim. He used his powers to become a healer on the Isles, one of the best.

Now, he stood stoic, allowing his himan companion to grieve amongst his safe aura, attempting to gently ease her pain with soft and gentle vibes.

The five Elder dragons gathered at the waters edge. Usually, the water dragons would pull the body out into the sea with gentle currents that took them deep into the depths of the sea to rest. But this time, there was no body. Only blood. James, who was as wrecked as Tamina, lay as small blanket in the water.

"This was to be our childs first blanket, it is all we have to show of them." He said solemnly. The water dragons bowed their heads, swimming once around it and then diving down, creating a rippling current that pulled the soft blanket away from the beach front.

The Elders let out their mighty roar, a soft pink glow surrounding them. It was cry to the Gods above to provide the soul of the dead with safe passage. As their roars died out, Zentar let out his own. It was painful to listen to.

I took James' hand in my own and he squeezed it briefly, unable to form words. I saw tears threaten to spill over again and I turned him away from the scene. I was just about to lead himaway when Soria stopped us. Confused, I looked down at her and she gave me a pointed look. My human, my problem it said, with clarity. I let go of James' hand and stepped back. He barely noticed as I slipped away and Soria curled around him protectively.

Taurus sat far at the back, his lack of emotion for anyone making him almost indifferent to the situation. I turned to Zentar and stroked his purple tinted scales that sunk into a deep green.

"Sapphire.." he looked down at me, then at Tamina. I nodded and climbed up his back. I wrapped my arms around Tamina and she leant back into me. We began to move, back towards Zentars cave. It was close to Taminas, but much larger. Zentars nest was made of soft, small trees and bushes, fresh lavender flowers scattered amongst it. I slid down, tugging on Taminas hand to bring her with me.

For what felt like hours, we lay there. The physical pain was over. Now, the emotional and mental pain would settle in. Tamina stared vacantly at the roof of the cave. Hazel eyes had lost their light, her hair splayed amongst the flowers had lost its dark shine. Her body looked limp. If it wasn't for the gentle rise and fall of her chest you would have thought she too had died with her child.

Eventually, James came to the cave. His eyes were puffy and sore. I stood and went to hug him when Soria slithered between us again.

"I'll be at home if you need me," I muttered quietly, leaving. I get that dragons were protective when their humans were in pain, but something about Sorias behaviour was unsettling.

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