Chapter 11 - New Life

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I took a deep breath, hair whipping around my face. Between the clouds I saw Taurus twist and dive, snow falling with him. I breathed out the frosty air, getting ready to jump off the cliff. I took a few steps back and as soon as Taurus passed the cliff face I ran and leapt through the air. I landed with a thump on his back, laughing
as I settled between his large wings. I held out my arms as we flew away from the mountains, enjoying the fresh air. 

As we landed, I slid down Taurus' tail and lay on the ground. "Oh sweet mercy, Taurus you fly terrible!" I exclaimed as he sat down and looked at me, the look on his face speaking volumes.

"You couldn't even do a simple cliff jump without injuring me," he huffed, raising his head in indignation.

I grinned and patted his side "relax you big bully, you'll live."

"Sapphire-" he growled

"Sapphire!" another voice called me. I smiled and stood up.

"That person sounds much happier to see me," I left Taurus to brood alone and made my way to the caves. James was there with his wife, Tamina. Together they had taken care of me since I was a baby, growing ever closer and falling in love. It was quite the story.

Tamina welcomed me with her warm hug as James patted my head, still seeing me as 3 feet tall.

"I really do wish you'd stop throwing yourselves off of cliffs, my body can't take much more stress," Tamina sighed, walking back into their home. The large cave with drapes covering the mouth and inner tunnel way was warmly furnished with a large bed and a range of colourful collected items.

"But its amazing, you should come with me next time," I grinned as I followed her, sitting on my favourite colourful boulder that James had carved out.

"Shes not going to be anything like that for the better part of the next year," James said, a grin spreading across his face. I raised an eyebrow and looked to Tamina.

"And why would that be?" I asked, walking over to her slowly.

She smiled shyly, her face adorably red as she set her hands on her belly "I'm pregnant."

"You are?!" I squealed. I kneeled by her seat and placed a gentle hand on her belly. Her and James had been trying for a while for their own child and I was estatic for them.

In the distance, loud roaring started up, disrupting the calm atmosphere of the day. Taurus was outside the cave in an instant.

"Sapphire, come quick!" I leapt up from the floor, pressing a small kiss to Tamina's head before grabbing my bow and arrow and running out. Taurus was crouched low and I ran up along the length of his back.

By the time I had got into my usual seat we were already 50 feet above the ground. I knelt up on Taurus' back, peering between the ice shards on his back to see what was happening.

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