Chapter 35 - Debt

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I was surrounded

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I was surrounded. Rogue dragons stalked closer to me, claws extended, fangs exposed. I looked up and gave a small shake of my head to Rucktus, who retreated further up the mountain with the other dragons. They were here for me.

"Come.... with uss," a rogue dragon hissed at me. I nodded and he cackled, taking to the sky.

"Taurus!" Alatnor yelled after me. I turned to face him, and was surprised by the genuine concern on his face.

"Let me go with them, it will give you more time," I said firmly. He nodded and looked warily at the rogued that inched closer, making sure I wasn't going to change my mind.

"Buphas is a creature of charm, Taurus," he murmured "do not let him lull you into his ways," I scoffed and shook my head.

"I won't be lead astray. Stay alert." I spread my wings and took off after the rogues, the remaining following close behind me.

Their stench wrecked havoc on my senses, stinging my eyes and assaulting my nose. I looked around at the, disgusted by the sight of their mottled, dark scales. They flew is relative silence, the occasional snarl and growl breaking the tension.

As I looked down, I saw that we had passed over the forest were quickly covering the barren land that came before the castle. Sure enough, a few minutes later, small shacks and houses came into view. As well as terrified humans.

Humans were no strangers to the existence of dragons, but the sheer number of rogues flying above them must have been a sight to see. Instead of flying further north to a more secluded spot like I expected, the rogues settled along the castle walls. I stayed in the air, wings flapping steadily as I hovered above.

"Where is Buphas?" When no one answered I growled loudly.

"He is here," a small, distant voice echoed.

"Where?!" I snarled, scanning over the dragons.

"," the voice replied, only this time I realised that it spoke in my mind. I only knew of 1 telekinetic dragon who would be here on this island before me.

"Eron," I murmured in my mind, hoping he would hear me "what is happening here?" Humans still shrunk away from the castle, the streets mostly deserted now.

"Drained..." came back the fading response. I frowned as I settled onto the castle wall. Eron sounded strange. Was Buphas using him too?

"Let usss go," crowed an old rogue. Three rogues flew up to the tallest tower, claws digging in to the edges, and lifted it clean off the tower. They threw it aside as rhs rest of the rogues shot down through the tower and straight into the heart of the castle.

I followed suit, teetering on the ledge of the tower for a moment before tucking in my wings and falling. The dust instantly clung to my body and the air was stale. Colours in old paintings had faded from lack of care. I studied the open room, wondering how it would have been different if Sapphire had grown up here.

"Oh, look who decided to join us," a deep, melodious voice called "I have been anticipating this day for many years," a slender, yet large, dragon spoke as he emerged from the shadows. His body was glorious and I could not help but be taken aback by how striking he was in comparison to the rogues in the room.

"The name is Buphas, last of the Elder dragons of creation, but the most successful of course," he grinned a sharp row of teeth flashing in his mouth. He was crystalline and powerful, his aura mind numbing.

"Well?" He taunted as he sat before me "are you going to speak?" He tilted his head to the side, long pale whiskers slipping aside, as he waited for me to respond.

"Why are you here, Buphas?" I asked, my mimd still reeling. He grinned and stretched out his wings. They were almost transparent, reflecting eerily.

"I'm here for you, of course," he said "and this delicious meal," he continued, rurning back to see something else. I moved forward and struggled to swallow my growl as I spotted Eron lying in a heap in the corner. The young dragons air of confidence was gone, and instead he exuded pain and helplessness.

"You know him, yes?" Buphas triumphed as he studied my face. "I have to say, I was quite surprised at the energy stored in this one, I really must mature my meats more often," his tone was almost wistful and regretful.

"Buphas," I said through gritted teeth "why are you here?"

"To get whats owed," he hissed, turning back to me. His anger was building slowly, his pale complexion hardening as he looked me over.

"You dont even know what power you hold," he growled "power I crafted amd created."

"Power thats no longer yours," I started.

"Wrong!" He yelled, stalking close to me "every ounce of power in your body belongs to me, young one, and I shall have it if I should wish it so."

I slowly walked away and sat down, close to Eron, chanting in my mind over and over take some, take some, take some.

"And the princess?" I asked "why is she necessary?" I held steadily onto my nerves as I asked, picking my words slowly. Buphas grinned as he lounged back.

"She is the vessel. The almighty power station. She and she alone will help me quench my thirst." He licked his lips in anticipation, his tongue a stark contrast against his scales.

"So why do you need me?"

"Because, Taurus," he started "you are her dragon. Your energies are bound and together, oh! Together you will feed me a universe worth of power. An almighty Ice welder with the blood of magic in his veins and his human companion who is the vessel of magic. A perfect pairing." He cackled madly to himself as I sorted through the information.

"What do you mean 'the blood of magic'? My ancestors are all ice dragons." I stood up, sensing a tidal wave of lost secrets ready to be thrust upon me.

"Oh Taurus," Buphas mockingly cried "your grandmother loved me! Thats why you are so powerful!" I roared loudly, the castle trembling as I stalked towards the beast before me. Before I could even get within 4 feet of him, I was thrown back against the wall.

"Watch it," Buphas hissed "you may be my descendant but I will kill you. You inherited more of my powers than anyone else in your family, I couldnt have had a better fate if I had begged for it. You're stoic, yet powerful, you remain isolated, your powers sometimes catastrophically unpredictable. Not to mention your thirst for battle," he laughed as he finished.

"I would never help you," I snarled, getting up onto my feet.

"As I told Sapphire here, we dont need you to be willing." A new voice said as a broad man came in with Sapphire thrown iver his shoulder.

Hey hey! I've had a horrible week and I'm dreadfully tired so I apologise for any and all mistakes in this chapter!!!!

Love you all, Orange,


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