Chapter 17 - Farewells

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The Elder cave was the largest and deepest on the isles. The opening was big enough for one dragon to enter at a time, opening into a large central place where meetings were held. 50 dragons could easily fit inside. Five rooms split off from the central place, private quarters where Elders spent most of their time.

As we walked in I chewed on my lip, I had no idea what was happening anymore and I hated it. I slid down Taurus' back as we stood in the centre of the room. The five Elders stood in front of us. Alatnor stood tall in the middle Rucktus and three others, Meknas, Radira and Thesra, flanked him. I wasnt as familiar with the other three as I was with Alatnor and Rucktus, and they too kept to themselves.

"Sapphire," Alatnor called, bringing my attention back to him "your presence has been causing a great amount of disruption to the peace we have here on the Isles."

"I'm sorry for that but, I dont know how to stop it-"

"I know how," Alatnor cut me off. He looked towards Taurus and then back at me. "Leave."

"What?!" I exclaimed. Taurus was shocked and the other Elders refused to meet my gaze.

"Alatnor, forgive me but, this place is my home just as much as it is yours."

"Elders, please, do not be so hasty in your decision to oust her. She is yet but a child," Taurus said. I was surprised by the fact that he defended me but I didnt let it show.

"I have pondered this fir a great many days, it is the best option for our kind and hers. She has her own destiny to fulfill, and it is best she begin to do that now," Alatnor said. The other elders didnt dare to say a word against him.

"But this is my home," I said quietly. Alatnor's gaze softened for just a moment, but his mind would not be swayed.

"Once it was a home for you, a safe place, now, it is not. Danger is here for you and actively seeks you out. You have a kingdom that lays in wait for you. Tomorrow you turn 18, you will be old enough to become a Crown Princess of your Kingdom and rule over them until you are old enough to be Queen."

I stood in silence, my mind reeling. He was trying to get rid of me for problems that I didnt want.

"I have had enough of this princess nonsense," I blurted out. All six dragons looked to me.

"If you wanted me to be a princess, I should have been raised differently. I do not and cannot waltz into a castle and assume it as my own!"

"You can and you will. James will be returning with you to prove your identity. He was a valued Knight of your Kingdom, his word will be highly regarded amongst any survivors." Alatnor replied, cool and steady. Meanwhile, my legs felt like jelly and the room was starting to spin.

"We shall permit you one last day to say goodbye to your friends here, tomorrow evening Taurus will take you back to the spot he found you and shall return home." He finished, stretching out the last word. Or maybe I was stretching it in my mind.

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