Chapter 8 - Healing

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Taurus wandered towards the healing caves to see a small red dragon wrapped around the human. Its red scales were raised slightly, and heat poured out of its skin. Amidst its coils, the young man lay motionless, just as he had been the last three days.

Taurus had bregudginly taken the child from the dying warrior. The young man was delirious with pain and blood loss. His leg was inflamed and his body weak. Taking pity on him, Taurus blew gently on his leg, ice forming over the wound in an instant.

Though he didnt need to take the second human, he realised the child would need him if she was to do as her father wanted. A dying mans wish was no easy feat. He carefully lifted his new child along with her belongings, including her guardian, and left the cave. Just before he took off the loud neigh of the horse stopped him. Taurus huffed and lowered his head, the horse cautiously trotting along his back to James.

When dragons brought back humans, it was not as simple as allowing them to roam free in their homes, you had to lay claim to them through ceremony. If you did not, the humans were at risk of being stolen by other dragons, usually from other clans, who could lay their own claim. Laying a claim allowed them to bond with the humans life force, a very powerful and pure bond. Some dragon isles existed purely to exploit that bond, but it was frowned upon in Draton.

When Taurus arrived at Draton the humans were taken away to the caves of healing where they still remained three days later. The man had not yet risen out of his coma but the child was fine. A young human lady had taken to her immediately, nursing her and changing her. Taurus lay outside the caves, waiting patiently for them to be discharged.

He only spent brief moments in the day with the child, trying his best to find an ounce of affection within himself. But, she was just a baby. Small, annoying and loud, three things if which Taurus was not fond of.

Having been disgruntled by his early awakening from his hibernation, he had put off all meeting with the Elder dragons to discuss a potential ceremony. Taurus was not one to keep company, he still wasnt sure if he wanted the child, let alone her older companion. He huffed impatiently, sending a small gust of icy wind through the cave. The little red dragon hissed protectively as it awoke to find the source of cold.

"At ease Soria, my mistake," Taurus grumbled, laying his head down. The young dragon sighed stretching and lengthening her body to see Taurus out of the cave.

"He will awake soon, be patient. Humans are very resilient." Soria stretched her black claws and arched her flamed back. She had been curled around the human since dawn, replacing the previous dragon, to keep him warm and comfortable.

A deep growl rumbled in Taurus' chest as she reached out her claw to the icy structures on his back, her heat melting them slowly. She laughed, a firey, throaty sound and retreated back to her cave.

"I'll call you when he awakens," Taurus huffed in reponse and walked away. He had only been walking for a minute when another voice called him.

"Taurus, ice welder of the north, you arrived 3 days ago with humans, the council requires you to lay claim upon them by tonight or they shall be released," a large elder dragon stomped out of his underground dwelling. He was humongous compared to Taurus, layers of rock like skin and mile long horns protruding from his body. Taurus bowed his head in respect.

"The humans I travelled with are not yet well. And I have not yet come to a decision. I mean no disrespect to the council but I will not rush into a claiming ceremony." He spoke slow and even, hoping the dragon would not be offended.

"Bewars, Taurus and remember, you are no angel in the eye of the council. To do this would bring great light to your name. By dawn tomorrow you must choose." With that, the Elder slipped back into his home, leaving Taurus alone in his memories.

Closing his eyes, Taurus took to the sky. He seethed with cold anger at being subtly threatened. He could abide by rules but these direct orders were infuriating. Passing by some clouds he roared, loudly and harshly, crystallising the water in them and creating a moment of snowfall. These humans would bw the death of him. But maybe he needed a change of pace.

Dun, dun dun..... Taurus has a hidden past...

Also, do you think its *too convenient* that theres other humans in the Draton Isles?? Should I get rid of them or just spread them thin???

Thank you for reading, my lovelies.

Love, Orange



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