Chapter 28 - Chains and Whips

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I spent about an hour with the young knight pulling arrows and bandaging holes with bedsheets across Erons wings

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I spent about an hour with the young knight pulling arrows and bandaging holes with bedsheets across Erons wings. He would heal quickly, but I didnt want the other knights to know that. Once satisfied I stood before their leader, wrists together, ready to be bound and taken away.

"Don't get smart with me, lass," he grunted
as he tied rope around my wrists and then looped a chain over that was hooked to a horse and cart.

"Did you burn down that village?" I asked and I saw a guilty look flash through their group.

"We do not answer to you," he spat out and tugged on my chain, walking away to the front of the group.

"You will!" I called out to him, pleased as he threw me an irritated look. A few knights fearfully looped a tope around Erons' neck to lead him along with us.

Their patrol group was not much bigger than ours, but their heavy armour and thoroughly trained knights put us to shame.

The cart started forward and we were all jolted out of our despair as we walked onwards. We had come so close to the lower towns, yet we were still so far.

"Saph!" I turned towards the hushed whisper. Dominic innocently looked away and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Do you have a plan?"

"No talking!" A knight yelled from the back, a harsh warning whip snapped across the floor besides me. I looked behind me to see him smugly roll up his whip and tuck it in his belt.

"I do have a plan," I whispered quietly while looking ahead, hoping the few people around me would hear.

"I'm going to request an audience with Magnus and see how far I can get with words," I said simply.

"Thats a very half arsed plan, child," James muttered from somewhere behind me. Dominic snorted and struggled to hold in his laugh.

"Quit making noise, boy!" The knight behind us yelled and the whip cracked down against Dominic's shoulder. I gasped and jumped aside, bumping someone beside me.

"Argh!" Dominic stumbled onto his knees, the lash of the whip cutting through his shirt, a red welt already visible. I sucked in a sharp breath at the sight and turned to face the knight. He raised his whip in warning, his face stoic.

"Don't make me strike you, girl," he said flatly. I stooped down and pusjed my body under Dominics, standing slowly, lifting him with me on my shoulder. He held himself weakly, body still recoiling from the sudden shock of pain. He was taught with tension as the cart kept pulling as along. Aiden pushed his shoulder infront of his other side, together we allowed him to drop some of weight as we walked and allow his arms some rest, the chains chafing our wrists.

We walked in silence after that, wearily watchjng the other knights around us. My eyes landed on the young one who said he would side with me. He seemed more tense and agitated than the others. Can we really trust him?

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