Chapter 25 - Lost and Found

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We were prepared for battle with nowhere to go

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We were prepared for battle with nowhere to go. The rogues made no attempt to hide their tracks, but their home was still well hidden. We had never tried to hide them, but I couldn't imagine it would be too difficult.

We gathered several types of dragons for our scouting mission. The strongest swimmers out of the water dragons and our fastest air dragons were ready to lead the way. I was to carry two Earth dragons on my back, their sturdy and strong bodies excellent for defense. A young healer
dragon also accompanied us as well as two nature dragons, a fire dragon, and 3 sun dragons to light the way.

I was restless and agitated, still furious with myself for my shortcomings. I had the chance to be better and I let it slip because of my own fear. I only hoped it wasn't too late to make it right.

"Taurus," Alatnor called. He approached me at a languish pace, and I resisted the urge to spike him with my tail.

"Yes?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I did what I did for the best of this clan," he said. I snorted and walked away from him, I didnt need this right now.

"I'm coming with you," he called out. I stopped in my tracks, hardly darjng to breathe as I turned around.


"I know you think I have done you wrong, but everything I have done is to ensure your success in what is to come next." He looked over at the group of eager dragons who waited to accompany us.

"You could have warned me about Soria sooner," I argued.

"With a temper like yours you would have killed her the second I told you," I growled lowly, but he was right.

I walked upto the rest of the group, many of them bowing their heads in respect to Alatnor.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked, lowering my body for the Earth dragons to join me. They seemed reluctant to climb on but eventually did. I didn't blame them, having spent most of my life in isolation and only really releasing my anger before any other dragons.

Once the dragons were on I took off, climbing 10 feet higher with stroke of my wings. The air dragons manipulated the fast currents in the sky to carry us forward, moving us almost twice as fast. It was exhilirating to be flying this fast with so many other dragons, something I hadn't done for centuries.

We flee fast and hard, occasionally slowing down to pick up a scent as the air dragons sifted through the winds with ease. Many times we found ourselves circling over a patch of land over and over, only to find the rofues were long gone.

We took that as a good sign, if their scent still lingered they would not be far now. But as the night darkened and and the sun dragons lead the way, my hope started to fade. Maybe we would never find them.

But then it hit me. Like a wave of decaying flesh the smell thrashed against my sense and I growled, scoring the darkness for rogue dragons. But we were alone. Ahead of us, a dark world stretched out for miles.

The water seemed stagnant and not a single crop or grass grew anywhere. The carcasses of animals and humans lay across the dirt, some more fresh than others. The smell of rogues was potent here as we landed on the island. Water dragons pulled in wayer from the sea, washing away nearby bodies to be at rest.

The Earth dragons dismounted from my back and pawed sadly at the barren land. It was horrific, my scales crawled just looking around.

"We are alone," Alatnor said. His eyes were closed and his energy hummed softly in the air.

"No other mind is alive on this island besides- wait!" He said, suddenly, he looked distressed. With no warning he leapt into the air and took off flying.

"Alatnor!" I ran and flapped my wings following him as he sjot through the air. The other dragons followed close at our heels, crossing the new landscape with disgust.

Just as suddenly as he had started, Altanor stopped. He sunk gracefully to the ground and pushed over a log. Beneath it, 3 young dragons lay huddled together, a few rat bones scattered between them.

They cowered away from us, crying out for a mother that was long gone. I felt my fury growd as the earth dragons pulled at the ground to gently lift the young fledglings out. Pummeling the ground, they grew plants for the young to feed on, and that when I noticed their strange colouring.

"They are Rares, the rogues have been breeding them," I said. Like Eron, these young dragons had potent powers, strong enough to wipe out or group with ease. Not that any of them knew that.

"In the hands of the rogues, they were to be powerful weapons," Alatnor said. He closed his eyes once again and all three fledglings turned to him simultaneously. He was communicating with them, creating a small bond to sift through their memories and thoughts.

"They are not the only ones," Alatnor said "Buphas has been consuming them for their energies, they have dozens more with them on their journey." He murmured quietly.

"Where are they going?" A young qater dragon asked, her voice rippling through the silence.

"They are going to a land far from here... many humans preside there. Buphas is going to see someone, a human of his own..." Alatnor slwoly peiced together the information but the fledglings were beginning to grow restless.

"Who is the human?" I asked, hoping the name would help somehow.

"The human... is M- Marcus? No, think child... Magnus?" Alatnor opened his eyes and I saw fear for a fraction of a second.

"Buphas is looking for his human companion, King Magnus."

"Sapphire," I yelled suddenly.

"Shes in more grave danger than I thought. Buphas is planning something far bigger than we could have imagined."

I roared loudly, the dragons cowering away from me.

"Head back to the Isles," I barked gruffly "we are going to need an army of our own."

10 loooong days and still so many to go. I will try and updaye a little faster next time.

What do you all think of this chapter?? I struggled a little with what should happen when they get there but yeah.

Love you all,




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