Chapter 33 - Devil in the Details

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Tension was mounting as the dragons gathered together

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Tension was mounting as the dragons gathered together. We were ready to fight, but it was nerve wracking not knowing the enemy. Most of us had never even laid eyes on Buphas, let alone his army of rouges. We had no idea what to expect.

The healing dragons had finished their duty, resting and eating to restore themselves for a larger battle. Most of the humans had gathered together too with what little rations they had to help those on the mainland. The elders watched on
as I ordered the dragons about to collect provisions, their watchful eyes silently judging.

"Taurus," a deep voice called. One that made my ice spike in irritation.

"Brother," I said through gritted teeth. The slim, blue dragon slithered over to me, his teeth bared in what was supposed to be a pleasant smile.

"I heard you're going to war for your little human," he leered. I huffed and turned away.

"Sapphire is more important that you could comprehend little brother, her future and our future are interwined," I closed my eyes briefly, imaging the bloodshed that was to come.

"Why can't you be like this with your real family," my brother, Tempas, sighed. Like our mother, he had a long snake like body and fine wisps of hair grew from his jaw.

"Sapphire is my companion, little one, she means more to me than a group of heartless ice makers," I replied stoicly, wanting nothing more than to take off in that moment. My brother hissed at my words, curling his tail inwards.

"We are not heartless, Taurus, you were clueless about-"

"Enough! Do not accompany me on this battle if your only intention is to bicker with me," I growled lowly, my brother shrinking back.

"We shall be there," he muttered before turning away and slipping back into the crowd. I shook off the anger that had built within me and sat patiently before the crowd. The preparations were almost complete.

A few moments later, almost all the dragons were gathered before me, waiting patiently for my next words.

"Brothers and sisters, I know I was never the most friendliest among us, but I have always cared for the welfare of our kind. Now, Buphas threatens the lives of not just us dragons, but all humans and creatures too," I said and there were angry growls amongst the crowd, humans gripping weapons tighter.

"However, we can defeat this evil. We will return to our normal lives. But I must ask you to put your trust in me as Sapphires dragon companion, and the prophesied leader of you all." I stopped and looked amongst the crowd for anyone who might revolt against me.

"You're right, you always were a miserable old bas-" there was a scuffle as an old dragon was whipped by his mates tail "fine! But we all know of your strength and courage, you've taken many rogues head on over the years. To not trust you would be foolish, we are with you, Taurus." He bowed his head to me and many other dragons followed suit.

I felt pride and honour swell in my chest and returned the bow to my loyal clan.

"We shall fly to the mainland and land amongst the mountains. They will provide cover while we survey the current situation and see what Buphas is up to. We dont know if he wants a full out war or if he has sly tricks to get what he wants." The dragons nodded, murmuring amongst themselves.

"If he wants a war?" A dragon asked. I shifted my attention to the young wing dragon asked, his silk thin wings fluttering nervously.

"Then we go to war," I said quietly. He tensed up but gave me a small nod.


A few hours later we were out over the open ocean. Water dragons broke through the surface of the water, air dragons sweeping the droplets higher with the rapid beating of their wings.

I felt nostalgia as I flew along the familiar route. The attack last time hadnt let me appreciate the second nature of flying this route. I opened my wints and allowed myself to glide lower and coast along the surface of the water. Curving back upwards, I felt calm. Its the calm before the storm.

I shook away the small voice in my head and beat my wings harder. I had to change my mindset. I needed to do better for Sapphire and for the dragons in my clan.

Along the horizon, the cliffs of Sapphires true home became visible. In my chest I felt a tingle to the closeness of my human, a sparkling sensation I had ignored for many years, deciding alone that it was unnecessary for me to become involved with her.

"We shall land amongst the far right mountain," I called behind to the group of dragons. We had never flown anywhere in such large numbers before, the colours against the deep sea were almost blinding.

It did not take us long to reach the mountains after that, many dragons eager to rest and eat. Slowly, I made my way around the mountain to my old cave. Walking in sent a wave of memories ceashing against my mind. James, battered and bloodied, stumbling up rhe mountain. Him, holding out a small bundle like a sacrifice, a small, clear eyed princess soundly resting inside. This was the place where my true path had started.

"Taurus," I turned, surprised to see Meknas behind me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, sensing confusion and anxiety from the dragon.

"Is something dead here?" Meknas asked. Frowning, I stepped aside and allowed the elder in. He snooped about the small place but found nothing. He suddenlt sprinted iur of the cage, twisting and leaping onto the cliff above.

"What is it?" I asked, thrown off by the weird behaviour and scrambling after him.

"I can already smell death, Taurus. But, its not right, its like its an old soul but still... fresh." He paced back and forth along the ledge, his anxiety mounting as he wrecked his mind for an answer.

"Rogues!" A roar came from the mountains below. Thunder like cries filled the atmosphere, the ground beneath our feet trembling in anticipation.

"Its them," Meknas muttered in horror "they were here before us, we flew right into a trap." My eye widened, furious, I spun around and shot off the side of the cliff, diving down towards the climbing greenery where rogue dragons emerged from the woods.

I snatched the closest rogue, throwing him back into the trees, taking out one more and snapping its neck with the force.

"Princesss," a rogue hissed behind me. I whipped around and pinned the vicious beast to the mountain side.

"Where is the princess?" I growled. The rogue laughed, a raspy scratching sound that offended my ears.

"Prin-cess!" He screeched gleefully, throwing his head back "Prinncesss!"

"Damn you!" I yelled, slamming my claws into his neck, crushing it and killing him. It was only when I turned that I realised what he had done.

It was a code word. I was not the princess, but I was her dragon.

Hey guys, super sorry I didnt post last week but I've been adjusting to work and uni. Updates will be on friday from now on because its just easier for me.

I hope you liked this chapter, I will get the next one out on time!!

Love you all,



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