Chapter 5 - Burning

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Everything was burning. Her hair, her clothes, her eyes, her throat. Everything. But, she did not move. In those moments after giving up her child, Marian had become a force to reckon with, the archery skills she had sharpened over the last few weeks coming to life.

She shot arrow after arrow, killing and maiming with each one. But it didnt stop the pain. The pain she felt towards losing her daughter after only having met her for a moment.

As she ran out of arrows, a third wave of catapults rocked the castle. She had spotted them moments after the second wave and had focused most of her arrows on taking out the small group trying to refill them. But, with each one she shot down, another came to replace them.

Stopping for a moment, she surveyed the damage. The entire front of the castle was on fire and below the rumble of the flames, she heard the dying screams of all her people left behind. She turned quickly as her room door swung open, hoping desperately her husband or James had returned for her.

"My, my," Magnus said, sauntering into the room "if it isn't the ever-loving Queen Marian." His grin was sick and twisted as he raked his eyes across her and around the slow burning room. "Having a party, m'lady?"

"Who are you?"

"I, am Magnus, your new King."

"We already have a King," Marian said icily, raising her head in defiance.

Magnus laughed "I already took care of that little obstacle," Marian gasped, a little peice of her dying with the news. Tears burned at the corner of her eyes. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, meeting Magnus eye for eye.

"Well, I am still alive, so it seems you are not yet successful." The sly grin that spread across Magnus' face made her stomach turn and she fought the instinct to fling herself from the burning building as he stalked closer to her.

"Oh, my lovely, you are no obstacle, you could however, be my wife."

Disgusted, Marian stepped back onto tthe balcony to create distance between them. She could feel the flames licking at her heels.

"I would rather die than marry the likes of you," she replied haughtily, doing her best to remain calm.

Magnus pouted, rubbing his hand over his heart.

"Oh, fair maiden! How you wound me!" He mocked. In an instant his features darkened and he closed the gap once again, grabbing Marian by the arm amd pushing her further out "death will always be an option for you."

Grabbing his arm with both hands Marian struggled, trying to push him back. Her facade had been shattered and tears pricked at her eyes once more.

"No, please! Leave me! Let me go to my child and flee, I'll never return, please!" She begged shamelessly, aching for the last peice of her family left alive.

"A child?" Magnus asked softly, his curiosity taking over "and where, pray tell, might I find this child?"

Realising her mistake Marian shook her head. "You will never find her."

"Oh, its a girl! Congratulations! Whats her name?" Magnus asked, pulling Marian into his chest in mock affection.  The Queen remained stoic, knowing that the less she said, the safer her daughter would be. 

Suddenly, she was hoisted from the floor. Magnus dangled her over the balcony and she screamed as her dress caught fire, burning her legs.

"Tell me her name, and I will spare you," he grinned. He wanted that child desperately.

"Never, just kill me," Marian said viciously. Her tears streamed down her face but were dried in an instant.

"Very well," Magnus shrugged, feigning to let go.

"No! No! Please! Its Sapphire! Her- her name is Sapphire!" She sobbed loudly, clinging on for her life as her body burned. A malicious grin spread across Magnus' face.

"Thank you, my dear," and he hoisted her up. Sighing with relief, Marian let her body fall limp as Magnus sat her on the edge of the balcony. "I dont need you anymore," he murmured. And with that, he pushed her off.

Turning back to his men, he drowned out the sounds of the Queens dying screams and strolled back through the castle.

"Form a team, and get out searching. She must have sent her child away somewhere safe. I want that child, do not come back until you have her. Understood?"

"Yes, my Lord," the men chorused. Magnus admired the burning castle one last time as he mounted his horse.  He hoped the next kingdom presented a better challenge.

Merhaba! I know its been like 3 days but Im still here.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter!

See you soon,

Love Orange, XxXx

Love Orange, XxXx

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