Chapter 21 - New People

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The camp busteld into life once I shook Dominic's hand, as people prepared us beds and released our luggage

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The camp busteld into life once I shook Dominic's hand, as people prepared us beds and released our luggage.

"So, when did you turn 18, princess?" Dominic asked as we sat down around the relit fire.

"Yesterday, actually," I said, sighing as I recounted the events of my 18th birthday.

"And you didnt have a ball?" One lady asked. I smiled and shook my head

"Why, it ain't right for a princess to not have a ball on her birthday," she said in dismay, few other people agreeing.

James came over and sat beside me, having caught up with his old friend Anthony. Anthony was the one who had tended to James leg when he first lost it, helping him whittle the peg leg once the wound has healed, and the helped him learn to walk with it.

I leant against him, energy suddenly diffusing out of my body. It had been one hell of a long day.

Jamen made pleasant conversation with the happy campers as I stared into the fire, absently listening to them. As the embers danced between the wood, I could have
sworn I saw them form real shapes. Blinking them away I sat up with a small, apologetic smile.

"I think I'm gonna turn in for the night, I can barely keep my eyes open," there were a few small laughs as I excused myself and headed for my new tent.

I turned back for a moment, bumping into Dominic. Stepping back, I looked him up and down breifly. He was only 2 or 3 inches taller than me, his dark messy hair pointing every which way. Matching dark eyes were tired yet hopeful as he looked at me, his lean physique oozing overconfidence.

"Can I help you?" I asked as he stood silently, no doubt assessing me too.

"Absolutely," he replied with his big grin. I narrowed my eyes and he chuckled.

"Not like that, Princess, what do you take me for?" He said as he leant against a tree. Looking at my face he shook his head, "dont answer that."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my tent "well, goodnight then."

"Wait," he groaned "we do need your help you know. Against Magnus," he explained. I turned back and smiled at him.

"I know."


"We have to go!" I exclaimed for the millionth time the next morning.

"You absolutely cannot!" James said, slamming his hands on the makeshift table. I huffed and sat back.

"Our original plan was just to walk in, why change it?" I asked, exasperated with all this planning.

"You really think Magnus will let us in with open arms, Saph? We wont get within a mile of the citadel."

I groaned and lay my head on the table. I was still tired and I needed more food to make it go away. I sat up and reached for more fruit, crunching loudly on an apple.

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