Chapter 36 - A Taste of Ice

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I was thrown to the ground and I scrambled up quickly

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I was thrown to the ground and I scrambled up quickly. I turned to see Taurus growling and lunging for Magnus.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, child," the other dragon in the room said. He was a large crystal like figure, beautiful yet terrifying.

"Buphas," I murmured and he chuckled and turned his translucent gaze on me.

"I have been waiting a millennium to meet you, Princess," he said slowly, sitting back and tucking his wings neatly away.

"The pleasure is mine," I replied drily as I slowly walked towards Taurus who settled back as I approached. It felt good to be near my dragon companion again, his presence soothing. But, there was something different in his energy, it was more edgy, more emotional.

"I'm sure it is," he said simply "we will get to know each other much better as time goes on, I can assure you."

"I'm not going to help the two of you do anything. If I dont want you to have my energy you can't take it from me," I said firmly. Buphas simply snorted as he lowered his head to Magnus. Magnus slowly placed his hand on Buphas' face and grinned broadly at me.

"My dear dragon, I do wish to know what ice feels like, directly in the blood," he cackled as Buphas closed his eyes, a wave of energy sweeping through the room. As the wave swept back it shot forward and bathed Taurus from head to toe.

"Taurus!" I banged on the field of energy around him but it would not give way. Bewildered, Taurus tried to move but he was stuck still. Buphas opened his eyes again and I watched in horror as a bright stream of light shot out from Taurus' chest and straight through Buphas and into Magnus.

"Stop it!" I yelled, pulling on the energy line connecting the dragons. It was no use, it was as if it was made of steel. Just as quickly as Buphas had started, he stopped pulling life from Taurus and my dragon staggered in shock, breathless and dazed.

"You see Princess, I can control my blood line. Your companion there is my descendant, I always did have a soft spot for the ice dragons, so cold and distant from life. If I can control him, then I have you," Buphas said lowly as he sat back up.

I looked to Magnus who opened his eyes and stretched. His eyes flashed a bright blue like Taurus', just for a second, before returning to their light amber colour.

"I see why you enjoy them so much," he leered. He seemed brighter than before, more energetic and lively.

"You are sick," I leapt towards him and managed to shove him hard enough to stumble backwards before he righted himself.

"Count yourself lucky that we need you, girl, or I would have you pinned to a wall and begging for the air you so casually waste," he hissed, stepping closer to me. I looked up at him, refusing to be intimidated.

"Enough," Buphas said "we don't have time for a battle of egos, there is still much to do," he stretched out his wings and stood tall, the chandeliers in the large castle inches from his head.

"What do you want, Buphas?" I asked, turning away fro Magnus who still huffed in fury.

"I want to secure my freedom," he said and I felt my head swim with emotions that weren't mine, drowning out the world.

"I want to be free," another pulse of sadness and anguish swept through me and I found myself walking towards Buphas.

"I want to be safe," tears rolled down my cheeks as I reached my hand out to touch the crystal surface of the dragon.

"No!" A mighty roar shook me from my trance and I felt a powerful energy sweep into my mind, beating back the foreign emotions. I turned around to see Eron, dirty and broken, eyes ablaze as he pulled on my mind.

"He's trying to sway you," Eron said through gritted teeth "if you come into contact with him Sapphire, he will have all of you." I looked back at Buphas in shock who snarled at Eron.

"I should have killed you, mind reader," he hissed, leering over the top of me. Ignoring him, Eron continued, body shaking with effort.

"The only flaw in Buphas is that he must not be the first to come in contact with the creature who's power he wants."

"So you can't use Sapphire?" Taurus asked turning back to his grandfather.  Buphas smirked and shrugged.

"Where would the fun be in telling you every detail?" he mused. I stood still, horrified by the sudden realisation that I had come seconds away from falling into his trap.

"He's been using me, and dragons like me, to strengthen his telepathic powers and sway the minds of his victims. he makes you feel sympathise with him," Eron said, his voice growing defeated at the end.

"He tricked you," I said, understanding how the hot headed dragon became so weak within the few days we were apart.

"The same way he was about to take you," he hung his head and slumped back down against the dark tiled floor "he has been draining me since the first night."

"Those rares we found on the rogue islands, they were all telepathic weren't they?" Taurus said.

"You're a fast learner," Buphas grinned and fluttered his wings. Just as I was about to speak, a rogue flew into the castle through a skylight, crashing clumsily before Buphas.

"Mass-terr," the dragon hissed as he stood up.

"What is it now, you fool?" Buphas asked, and the rogue grunted in response to the insult.

"Their friendss are... impatient," he spoke slowly as he turned to face Taurus and I.

"You brought backup?" I asked Taurus who raised his brows.

"Of course woman, do I look like an idiot?"

"Silence!" Buphas yelled, stalking closer to Taurus. "Who did you bring with you?" Taurus grinned slightly, and I felt a small glimmer of hope build in my chest. Maybe we could win this.

"No one of concern to you, oh mighty Buphas, King of the Glass Breakers," Taurus said, eyeing the twitching rogue with disdain.

"Boy, it would be in your best interest for you to answer my question. Who did you bring? The Ice Welders? The Elders?" Buphas asked, a hint of desperation flitting through his tone. Taurus stood tall, wings relaxed but ready for flight, and I could see the resemblance between him and Buphas in that moment of defiance.


I know this update is late but I have had like a horrible week at uni because I've also been sick. Fortunately, I have the next week off from uni, so I can work straight from my bed at whatever time I like.

That also means, there is high possibilities of a bonus chapter coming your way soon, fingers crossed.

I have one more humble request. My book will be finished soon and I will start editing it. I would greatly appreciate comments at the end of chapters on what you think of them so I know what areas need more work.

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