Chapter 23 - Betrayal (Taurus)

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As I flew back to the Isles I felt guilty

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As I flew back to the Isles I felt guilty. Sapphire needed me now more than ever, but I had to leave her. But I couldn't abandon Soria either, she was very dear to me. James would take care of Sapphire, he loved her as much as I did.

I flew fast and hard, intent on making it back home before dark. When the Isles came in sight, I felt a small amount of relief.

I tucked my wings in and shot down to the
ground. I opened them and landed with a thud, the dragons and people close by startled by my arrival.

"Where are the Elders?" I asked. On que Rucktus appeared, his rocky figure prominent against the greenery behind him.

"You have returned already," he said quietly "is all well?" I growled lowly and walked towards him.

"We were attacked by rogues," a few more rumbling growls could be heard as I spoke "they took Soria and fled, I need help bringing her back." There was an uproar amongst the dragons, many of the humans taking a step back.

The rogues were dangerous and lethal, but never had they taken another dragon hostage.

"What on earth is Buphas up to?" Rucktus muttered. Looking behind him, I saw Alatnor emerge from their cave, his regal stance strong.

"Taurus, where is the girl?" He asked calmly. I felt a pang of guilt as I remembered how hurriedly I had left Sapphire behind.

"Her and James reached her homeland in safety, they should be making camp as we speak," Alatnor nodded, satisified with my awnser. I was restless, anger and guilt rolling through me in waves.

"Taurus! What have you done? You fool!" A new voice spoke and I turned to see that orange dragon Sapphire had run away with.

"Eron!" Rucktus barked "you were not to come back!" But the dragon was not listening. Instead, he came for me claws extended.

I roared loudly yet he did not yield, and landed on me with a thud. He pressed his claws to my throat and I snapped at him, whipping him in the stomach with my tail. He hissed sharply as an icy cold blast shot through him.

"You blind, insufferable fool," he growled.

"What do you want, outcast?" I pushed him off, shaking out my wings as I stood up. He stayed in an attack stance as he watched me.

"She betrayed you," he murmured.

"What?" I aksed, suddenly confused.

"She betrayed you!" He yelled. The air around us became static and I was reminded of how dangerous this young dragon really was.

"Eron, what is the meaning of this?" Alatnor asked, though I suspected the smug prophet-like dragon already knew.

"Soria," Eron expalined "for years she has been feeding information to Buphas, she is working with the rogues."

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