Chapter 7 - Mountains

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It had been about five days since that encounter in the woods. By day three Magnus had been furious that no one had returned but he turned his attention back to his latest war. He continued to slaughter men and women alike, his bloodkust barely quenched. But still, he wanted that child. A lost heir meant a reunion.

James on the other hand, was grateful no one else had chased them down. The wound on his leg ached as they moved and he had to stop every few hours to change the dressing. The constant riding wouldnt let the wound close. 

But, today, a flicker of hope wavered in James' chest. They had made it to the last stretch if their journey. The mountains. Amongst these mountains would be a cave, home to a dragon that no one dared visit.

The dragon had only been spotted a few times flying over Riteron. Each time in the same direction towards the caves. No one knew where it came from and where it would go though, but its trips seemed consistent.

Around midday, they were half way up one of the smaller mountains that would give them passage to the bigger mountain they needed. But Sapphire decided it was time for a break. Crying out from her sling, her royal highness demanded attention right this instant.

"Alright, little one, lets clean you up." James' dismounted and settled down on the floor, his horse settling beside him. The two of them had become accustomed to the routine to change the baby. And James was over his fear of nappies.

Sapphire gurgled and twisted happily with her new found freedom and James smiled fondly at the child.

"You already complaining about your freedom, miss?" He tickled her tummy and she squealed in delight, her chubby hands reaching for his. He lifted her up into his lap, wincing slightly  as he crossed his leg. He fed her and burped her and she fell back asleep letting James have a few moments for himself.

Throwing some fruit to the horse he carefully stood and packed away their stuff. They were running low on food, with probably only enough for one more meal to go. They needed to reach that cave tonight.

They carried on along the narrow mountain road. James walked in front, leading his horse behind him. Soon they reached a dangerous looking ledge and James heart sunk. It was only about three feet wide. There was a gap between the two mountains about 10 feet with the road on the other side looking much more stable.

"Careful boy, we have to take a leap of faith here." James lead his horse back a few paces before mounting him again. He took a deep breath and lead him back a little more. The faster their run up, the better their chances.

"Alright, buddy, you need to jump for me, okay? Its the only way." The horse neighed and scraped at the ground, sensing his riders unease and becoming distressed. At the same time a deep growling sound erupted all around them. Looking around James spotted four wolves closing in on his small group. They must have been following thwm since dawn.

"We can do this, lets go!" James sharply dug his heels into the horses rump sending him off with a great running start. They had to reach that other side, thet were no longer welcome here, except as a meal. As the distance between them and the ledge closed James heart sunk.

10 feet. He ached to stop and turn around.

8 feet. His mind flashed to his tainted childhood and what could have been if he never left home.

5 feet. His heart thundered dangerously  and he clutched Sapphire tivhtly with one arm.

3 feet. He fought the urge to close his eyes and pull on the reins.

1 foot. His horse neighed loudly as it leapt off the ledge. James heart was in his throat as he became aware of how high up the mountain they really were the distance between them seemed to stretch out further, and further.

"Argh!" James yelled as his horse failed its landing and collapsed in a heap in the other side, sending him flying off. He rolled a few feet away, clutching Sapphire close so she wouldnt be bruised. She cried out in distress as they tumbled. James quickly sat up against the wall of the mountain and removed his little princess from the sling.

Across the way 2 brave wolves leapt across the gap, scrabbling at the edge of the mountain. James prayed they would fall. One did, his dying howl echoing between the mountains, but the second, larger wolf had made his way across.

James scrambled onto the horse his leg bleeding profusely from the impact. He cried out at the firdt jolt of the horse as they took off running along the mountain road. The wolf was snapping at the hooves off the horse, eager to take a bite. Spotting a narrow ledge James urged the horse onwards.

When they reached it he swug the horse around quickly, continuing on the steep corner. The wolf however, who had leapt at that moment, skidded down the side of the mountain. It hung on for a few precious and terrifying moments, snapping its sharp teeth wildly before whimpering as it slipped away.

Out of breath and in agonising pain, Jamss brought his horse to a stop and checked on Sapphire. He rocked her gently for a few moments, checking her for any sign of injury. Content, she opened her curious eyes to the world. She raised her little fists to the sky, as if celebrating their survival. James grinned and placed her back in the sling. They were almost there.

His legs buckled as they reached the final stretch, his breathing becoming laboured. Throwing his arm over the horse he limped forward. The cave was in sight. He grinned lazily as he hobbled towards it, almost collapsing at the mouth of the cave.

Cold air swept out of the cave. On closer inspection James saw a thin layer of ice coating the walls. As he peered closer, two large milky eyes opened within the depths of the cave. The beast let out a rumbling roar as he awoke and James found himself holding his breath.

"Human," a deep voice spoke. "Why have you awoken me?"

"I- I," James stopped. He took a deep breath, tjough he grew increasingly light headed. "My kingdom just lost a war-"

"Im sorry for your loss but you know dragons do not meddle in human warfare." The dragon replied icily.

"I am not asking for your help in war. My king had one dying wish, I need your help to complete it. His daughter, she is with me now and is the sole heir to the throne. But she is only a babe. I need a safe refuge to raise her before returning her home to be Queen." James managed to get out. Suddenly, he collapsed onto the floor, taking the brunt of his fall on his shoulder to save Sapphire.

"If you wont take us both, at least take her, please," James said, slowly lifting her up towards the dragon.

"I, Taurus, ice dragon of the North, shall take this child and raise her in my home land." The dragon finished his announcement by reaching out and wrapping a clawed hand around the small bundle.

James finally closed his eyes, arms collapsing by his sides. He had done it, he could rest now. He could have a break.

He had delivered the daughter to the dragon.

First impressions of Taurus?
What do you think will happen to James?
Will Taurus leave him behind?
And what exactly does his homeland include?

See you all soon,





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