Chapter 12 - Big Reveals

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I shook my head and continued eating

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I shook my head and continued eating. "Nobody around here will give me a straight answer, Taurus isn't even talking to me now," I muttered as I felt a pang in my chest at the distance between me and my dragon companion.

James swallowed hard, suddenly looking very uncomfortable. The guests dismissed themselves, leaving unfinished plates.

"I didnt mean to ruin dinner," I said as I stirred my stew.

"No, its fine, this is a conversation best had in private." James said, sitting up a little more.

"I think you two should be completely alone." Tamina said, standing up. She motioned for Soria to follow and the small mute dragon trodded along behind her.

"Come," James said, patting the spot where Tamina had just been. I sat next to him and sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Whats happening James?" I asked tiredly. My friends were being attacked by rogue dragons and I had no idea why.

"Just, let me explain okay? Dont get mad." He said, looking nervous. I nodded and he smiled.

"So, you know how I rescued you from a fire and we were brought here when you were a baby?" I nodded, it was something I would be eternally grateful for.

"Thats not the whole story," he continued, scratching the back of his head. I sighed, twisting around and putting my head in his lap.

"So, tell me the whole story then. Was there even a fire?" I asked, tired of piling up the questions.

"There was a fire, it burnt down most of your home. You were born in the Kingdom of Riteron, your parents were King Darius and Queen Marian. You are Princess Sapphire, the one true heir left to the throne. Your grandfather ran a terrible kingdom, driving it into debt, as a Knight I had been on many quests for him, most of them searching for treasures. Thats how I lost my leg.

But, thankfully, your grandfather died and your father took over and he was working to make the Kingdom strong again, but we were still in terrible debt to other kingdoms.

When news of a bloodthirsty army came, your father had to sacrfice the kingdom to repay his debts, there was no other way. He asked me on the eve of the battle to take you to the dragon, Taurus, in hopes that he would offer you shelter. Once you came of age, I was to take you home to try and rebuild the Kingdom." He finished, stroking my hair absently. I nodded thoughtfully, it was a lot to take in.

"So, I'm a lost princess?" I asked. He gave me a sad smile and nodded.

"When we were escaping from the castle a few men had followed us, so I suspect the enemy caught on to your parents plan." He paused for a moment. "Please, do not be angry Sapphire. Your parents gave their life for you. Your father was on the front line of the battle and I last saw your mother standing in a burning tower firing arrows in your name."

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