Chapter 32 - Allegiance

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We sat in the stairwell for what felt like hours, the energy in the room simmering down and being replaced with tension

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We sat in the stairwell for what felt like hours, the energy in the room simmering down and being replaced with tension. We had no idea what we were doing.

"Sapphire, come to me," Eron whispered 8n my mind.

"We have to get out of here," I said as I laced back and looked up the stairs. We were well underground at this point, though the staircase swirled down further still.

"If we get caught?" One woman said. Three small children were huddled behind her and my heart dropped.

"Anyone who cannot fight will take the children and elderly to safety." The group shuffled about to bring the vulnerable together, along with a few men and women who would care for them.

"And where exactly is 'safety'," Dominic asked as he stood by me. I stared at him for a long moment, my mind racing with ideas that I could barely keep up with. It was only when Cherry awkwardly coughed that I realised I was staring.

"Your sister," I said and Dominic grinned.

"My sister. She was an expert seamstress, she must be working in the market place, she can take them somewhere," he said and I felt hope flood through the group.

"Okay, we have to be quick about this. Do we all wait here or go up?" James asked.

"We all should go together, we have better chances of escaping as a group," I said and he nodded.

"Cherry and I will take up the rear," Aiden said as he pulled Cherry to the back. I looked to Dominic and James who stood on either side of me, 50 people behind us.

"Lets go," I said and we ran up the first set of stairs. Dominic poked his head around the corner before putting his thumb up. I beckoned the group to follow up the stairs quickly, while Cherry and Aiden kept an eye on the lower stair case and made sure no one was left behind.

About four turns later, the group was tired but I estimated we were about halfway. Laboured breathing could be heard from the elderly. Suddenly, the door at the topd of the stairwell swung open. We plastered ourselves to the walls, eager to blend into the shadows. Three Knights strolled in, talking amongst themselves in quiet voices.

I looked to James and he nodded. We ran up the stairs screaming at the top of our lungs. The guards were taken aback by the sudden noise and fumbled with their swords, giving us enough time to body slam the first two into the third.

"Hey! How'd you get out?!" One of them asked, bewildered.

"Wrong question!" James yelled as he head butted the guard in front before doubling him over and slamming his knee into his ribs. The guard crumpled to the floor, winded and still confused.

I pulled forward the guard in front of me and punched him hard. Blood spurted from his nose as he yelled obscenities at me but I turned him over and pushed him over the wall.

"Look out below!" I yelled and the rest of the tribe scurried up the stairs as I released the guard and watched him barrel roll into the wall.

James and I turned back to the third guard who brandished his sword defiantly before us.

"Look, we dont want any trouble," James said, putting his hands up. I glanced at him quickly, confised by his blatant lie. The guard put his sword down and sighed.

"Neither do I, my father was killed when I was a baby by Magnus' army." I looked to James who was now confused too. This wasnt going the way either of us expected. Then, to top it all off, the guard kneeled before me, sword and all.

"Your majesty, my allegiance lies with you. There are many even in the castle who would like to see Magnus gone, but we are a minority. There is no way you could ever pull it off," he said standing up again.

"Whats your name?" I asked.


"Well, Shane, when the time for battle comes, I trust you and your friends will fught with us?" He nodded eagerly and I smiled.

"Dont underestimate our small army, we are a mighty few," James said beside me.

"Of course, apologies, is there any way I can help?" He asked.

"Yes!" Dominic said from behind. "I need to find my sister, Elizabeth McCarthy."

The guard grinned at the sound of the name.

"Why who doesnt know old Lizzy," ge said loudly.

"What do you mean?" Dominic asked.

"Why, there isnt anybody in the Kingdom who is more bright than Lizzy. She could cheer up a thunder cloud if you let her," The guard said happily.

"Take our children and elderly to her, tell her, Dominic says hello," Dominic said as he ushered the group forward.

"Of course," Shane said, turning to open the door.

"Oh and Shane!" I called after him.

"Yes, m'lady?"

"Where is my dragon?"

So I totally forgot to upload this yesterday, but here it is!!

University starts up next week and Im super excited to go, I've already got a head start on my notes for the first lectures. I even have a solid timetable for work now too so I may adjust my schedule by a day for updates but dw I'm still around.

Love, Orange,


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