Chapter 34 - Deception of Death

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We split into two groups and left the dungeons

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We split into two groups and left the dungeons. The Knight had given us explicit instructions on how to get to Eron and then away from the castle to safety. Once we reached a safe place, the rest of the Knights who wanted to join us would meet us so we could get a better insight on the state of the castle.

Most people didn't bat an eye at the few new faces dispersed within the crowd. We walked silently and politely between market stalls and crowds. Every sixth step I glanced to the left to make sure James was still in sight. He strode nonchalantly through the crowd, but I could see a sadness sweep over him as he looked
around. I wondered what memories he was reliving, what kind of a life I had stripped away from him.

Turning forward again, I saw the small red door on the side of east wing of the castle, just as Shane had said. I looked back one last time before heading around the tower and away from the door.

To avoid too much public eye after having been paraded through the lower towns, Eron had been smuggled through underground tunnels to get through the citadel. There, far behind the castle, the guards emerged with the brilliant orange beast and took him secluded and mostly abandoned tower block.

If Shane was right, the tower block had been hollowed out and left alone, but its purpose was unknown. For now, it housed possibly the most powerful creature on this land, and the public was oblivious to it.

Glancing behind me, I saw others slink out ofthe shadows as we regrouped. We had taken slightly altered pathways to avoid suspicion. I took a deep breath as I spotted the tower. It was mainly hidden by the start of a low, rocky mountain that protected the back side of the castle.

"Clever, aren't they?" James tutted as he spotted the castle. I nodded and we began walking to the tower.

"Something is wrong," I said. I turned feeling a tingle on my neck. Familiar faces greeted me from behind with confusion. Eron?

"Princess...leave... he will kill us all," I inhaled sharply and took off at a sprint for the tower. I heard James call out to me but I was already moving, unable to stop, chanting one qord in my mind. Who, who who?!

Eron did not reply.

Within long minutes I was at the small wooden door on the tower and pounded on it with both fists.

"Eron! Eron, are you in there?!" I screamed and begged for him to answer but there was only silence beyond the door.

James and the other caught up ans we waited with baited breath as clicks sounded behind the door. I heard the slow scrape of metal on metal and the door swung open gently.

"Underground..." a weak voice flitted through my mind.

"If Eron is underground, whos here?" I whispered. There was a strong presence inside the tower, that much I could feel. But the deafening silence clawed at my nerves.

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