Chapter 2 - A Request

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"So, our dear old King wants to send me on a silly quest during a war that could most likely obliterate the entire kingdom?" James was curious about why King Darius would summon him at a time like this for something so outrageous.

"Why, yes, it seems so. I do believe you also have no right to question him." The royal advisor replied rather haughtily. He had never liked this James, while he was no doubt an adept and valiant knight, his mouth was most foul, like that of a peasant. 

"I may have no right to question him but I have every right to know what exactly he thinks this quest will be worth. After all, I am lame." James gestured to the half of his left leg that had been replaced by a wooden stump as a result of his last quest. It was one he had gone on under the ruling of the previous King, risking his life for nothing more than treasure stored in the territory of a vicious kingdom. 

"Well you shall have to ask him yourself, he indulged me in no details, I assume that means this is a more private matter." With that the adviser turned on his heel, expecting the knight to follow. Sure enough James leapt from his seat and followed the stuck up advisor to meet his King.

"My King," James sunk down onto his one good leg as he met the King in the throne room.

"Sir James, rise, we have much to discuss and little time." The King was fitted into his armour, ready for the battle that was only hours away.

"My Lord, what is so urgent that you would send me away when we have a war on our hands? Is my assisstance not better suited here?" James asked as gently as he could, sensing the waves of anxiety rolling off the King.

"No, no. What I need you to do is far more important. You were always an impeccable soldier, loyal to the throne despite my fathers greed. I believe you are the only one I can trust with this task. Come," the King swept out of the throne room, leading the knight to his chambers.

The King greeted his wife before walking over to his daughters nursery.

"This is my daughter, Sapphire, and she means more to me than anything in the world." Sapphire cooed in delight as her father held her close.

"She is beautiful, your Majesty," James said, smiling at the little bundle of terror the King held.

"If anything were to happen to her, I would be devestated. For that reason, I am entrusting her into your care. If by nightfall we look all set to die, then you must set off with my daughter and journey to the cave of the dragon." The King was in distress as he spoke but he did his best not to show it.

James was taken aback by the request, "My King-"

"Do not argue with me, Sir James. I have spent many days on this idea and it is final. If I die, my daughter must live, as must one other to return her to the throne when she has come of age. My family has lead this Kingdom for centuries and will continue to do so."

James stood down, best not to anger a King on the eve of a battle. He stepped closer to the crib and looked down at the Princess. She would most likely be his dying quest.

"Do not worry about provisions, I have that all ready for you. There is about a weeks supply, easy enough for you to carry along with a child. The journey should take you roughly 4 days." The King rummaged through his drawer, producing a small journal filled with loose sheets.

"I took the liberty to plan the safest journey possible for the two of you. Rest now, come back in the evening prepared to leave." 

The King left, feeling lighter now that he had some sense of a plan to save at least one person in his family. James took a deep breath, and walked back to the crib.

"Hello, princess," he cooed gently at the small child. He reached down to her and she wrapped her chubby fingers around his one long one. Surprised by the strength in her little hand he hoisted her up into his arms.

"Looks like its just gonna be you and me from here on out," he grinned as she gurgled a reply "I agree, your dads gone mad."

James returned to his room at the Kings order. He was sent a hearty lunch along with the provisions the King had had packed for him and his daughter. As he lay in his bed gazing at the ceiling, the weight of his new responsibility settled on his chest. He had to save the daughter.

Hey, hey, its me!!! Chapter 2 is out, what do you think??? I know its a little slow building but we're getting there, I promise.

Please let me know what you think and share this story!! If you've seen my profile recently you'll know that I do aim to publish this book when its finished so I appreciate every single read.

Love you all,



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