Chapter 6 - Dead Sprint

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The small lantern barely illuminated the earth before the horse as James steered his steed through the night. They had been going on for some time now, ocassionally slowing to adjust the princess or check the map, but never stopping.

Deciding it was time for a stop, James swung down from the horse and led him aside to a small creek. He unloaded the bags and sat down, taking a small snack from the bag for himself. Inside, he found a small bottle with a rubber tip filled with milk. Relaxing the sling around his neck he cradled Sapphire in his arms.

"This is for you, love, drink up," he nudged her soft lips with the bottle and she readily opened her mouth to be fed. Grinning at his own competence James hummed a simple tune as he fed her.

Letting her drift off again, with a full belly, he turned his attention back to his own. Finishing up he hefted the bags back over the horse who huffed at the short break. "I know, buddy, but we have got to get our little lady out of here."

As James stretched, he became aware of a rumble. It grew and grew. But it was not the rumble of a storm. Horses. Chest tightening, James snatched up Sapphire, putting her back close to his chest. He threw the remainder of the bags over the back of the horse and scrambled back onto the horse. His peg slipped on the stirrups, catching in a buckle.

"Dammit!" He yelled, slapping the rump of the horse. The horse neighed loudly, taking that as its cue to take off at a gallop.

"No, you fool! Im not on yet!" James yelled, managing to grab the reigns. He tugged hard and managed to get his leg free, swinging it over and clinging to the horse for dear life as it sped up. He checked Sapphire again, ensuring she still slept peacefully through his commotion.

"I see a rider!"

"It must be them! You there, stop! In the name of the King!"

The soldiers had gained on James much faster than he had anticipated. But he would not let it frighten him just yet. He led the horse into the forest, hoping the cover of the trees would help. He put out the small lantern he had and prayed that the horse could see enough to keep them from an accident.

"I said halt! The king demands it!" James almost jumped out of his skin, surprised by the closeness of the rider.

Within a few moments more, he was flanked on both sides, the other horses, war horses, much faster than his usual gentle farm hand who was loaded with supplies.

"Heed!" One of the men yelled as he sharply yanked on the reins of the horse, blocking his path abruptly. James pulled his own reins tightly to avoid collision and was now cornered, 2 mkre men bringing up the rear.

"What is the meaning of all this?!" James yelled, hoping they didnt spot his child in the dark and left him alone.

"King Magnus now rules this land! We have orders to find a young child and return her to the King. Why did you flee?" The Knight asked suspiciously,  eyeing the bags on the horse.

"What would you do if you were being chased in the dead of night by heavily armed Knights?" James asked incredulously "and what child do you speak of? Does it have a name?" He prayed to all the Gods above that they said something else.

"Sapphire," another Knight piped up, "happen to see any little ones on your travels?"

James laughes heartily, a chest clutchig laugh. "No, 'fraid not, my good sir," he grinned.

"Would you mind if we had a look in that sling?" One Knight said, pointing the tip of his sword towards James' chest.

Facade slipping, James held still as the Knight slowly led his horse closer, peering over the edge of the cloth. In an instant he unsheathed his own sword and had the tip of the blade at the mans throat.

"I'd suggest you all left me alone now, I'm quite handy with a sword," he said in an even tone.

"Do you have the princess?" The second Knight raised his own sword to James.

"Aye, but the young babe is sleeping, so lets make this quick," in a flash he slit the throat of the man before him and he toppled of his horse and he was ready to block the clumsy, startled swipe from the second.

He jabbed him in the gut and dug his heels into the horse, sending the animal off in a run. The two other knights were hot on his heels as they navigated the forest by moonlight. He swiped at branches as they rode, hoping one would fall and snag one of the two riders.

Unsuccessful he yanked the reins and quickly turned back around a tree, catching the men off guard. They stopped suddenly, turning to find their prey behind them.  James grinned and lunged quickly, his blade missing its target and hitting the horse. The poor animal cried out in anguish and fell to the ground and James heard the sickening crunch of a leg snapping before the young rider began to scream.

Using the surprise of the other to his advantage he leapt over the fallen man and they continued their frenzied gallop through the woods.

"Hey, stop!" The last rider had caught back up with James and he sighed, pulling his horse to a stop.

"Look, brother, this is going to end badly for you, just let me on my way," he begged. The boy was clearly young and inexperienced. He held his sword with tension and his horse with discomfort. Just another babe.

"I can't, I have orders." He replied with stoic determination. James shook his head and dismounted, laging sapphire in the saddle.

"Come and fight me then, lad," he picked up his sword and the young man followed suit. They broke out into combat, trading blow for blow. Though he was clumsy, the young Knight got a slice in at James' leg. He hissed in pain but jabbed the young man in his own thigh sending him down. Stepping forward he pressed his sword to his throat.

"I can let you go-"

"Just kill me! Or he'll kill me!" The boy cried.

James sighed. Two years ago, he would have. Quick and clean, no questions asked. But he had given the Queen a sob story and for the most part it was true. He turned to the horse and grabbed a bag full of a single days provisions. He threw it to the young boy who caught it but eyed it wearily.

"Run, boy, and dont stop. Find a small kingdom, start over. Now is your chance. Go!" He scrambled up and mounted the horse. He gave James one last look before taking off into the night.

Tired, James turned and picked Sapphire back up as she opened her eyes. She cooed softly and James smiled

"This redemption better be worth it."

Ta dah! Chapter 6 is finally here. I know it took long but its slightly longer than normal and I needed a moment to develop James before we continued the story.

What do you think???

I'll see you all soon,





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