Chapter 3 - First Blow

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Soldiers armed to the teeth gathered outside of the castle. They looked up to their brothers, sitting up on the castle wall, catapults and bows loaded and ready. The Knights mounted their horses, the strong creatures taking their weight in their stride with ease.

The army they were facing was a formidable one. They had marched across the lands and slaughtered thousands, conquering kingdoms and spreading terror amongst the survivors.  

King Darius mounted his horse and lead his soldiers to battle. There was nothing left to say anymore, just a battle to fight to the death.

They marched forward for no more than 20 minutes before their enemy became apparent on the horizon. Their army seemed to stretch on for miles on all sides, dwarfing their own army almost 5 to 1.

Spirits sunk as the army stopped their march. The heavier artillery units and archers set themselves up, glad to be further from the battle grounds. The foot soldiers unsheathed their swords and gripped tightly to their horses. For most, it would be their last battle, and they revelled quietly in their last few moments of peace.

"Men, we have prepared for weeks for this moment. I know it seems to be suicidal to even attempt anything but it is my duty as King to do so and I thank you all for sacrificing yourselves for our kingdom. I, King Darius, vow to battle to my death today!" The Knights jeered and straightened up, ignoring their fear of death and celebrating the little lives they had managed to live so far.

Across the battlefield, the enemy awaited. They grinned at the small sight of their next target though they had to admit, they were certainly a strong headed lot, meeting them head on out here. The last kingdom bad cowered behind 15 foot stone walls until they were knocking at the door.

Amongst them, their leader sat on his horse, gloating at his most recent success. He was King Magnus, the fiercest ruler in the land. He had ruled over his kingdom with a tight reign for many years, but now he wanted more.

He lusted for the power that came with being feared and he would make every last person on this planet fear him.

"Onwards, men! This shall be an easy victory." His smug attitude was contagious amongst his soldiers as they rallied together, still thirsty for more blood.

"Charge!" He yelled his fury filled battle cry echoing across the field. Soldiers from both sides surged forward, bodies brimming with adrenaline.

Within minutes swords were clashing and blood was drawn. It pooled beneath the hooves of horses, dark red and crimson rivers running down legs and arms. The soldiers of Riteron fought valiantly for their lives but it quickly became apparent that they would not win any battles today.

"Argh!" Darius yelled out as blades cut across his arms, the kinks in his armour exposing his skin. Swerving to the side he narrowly missed a decapitation but the brunt of the blow was taken by his horse. Dismounting from his steed he whirled around, swinging his sword wildly, trying to catch anyone who dared come his way.

"My, my, what a pitiful sight," Magnus leered "I've heard many noble things about you, how you gave life to the ruins of a Kingdom your father left behind. I can respect that," he nodded thoughtfully, gazing around at the man's loyal soldiers, each dropping like a fly.

"I've heard quite the tale about you too," the King said, drawing Magnus' attention back to himself "tales of you slaughtering innocents in the name of war."

Magnus chuckled, a dry and rough sound "You've got some nerve there, young one. Making me out a criminal to make yourself feel better, eh? I am a true King!" He hissed, swinging his sword to the side. The blade caught a soldier in the back of the leg, his thigh splitting open with ease. The young soldier cried out, toppling backwards.

Magnus jerked his horse to the side, standing over the dying soldier. "He's barely a boy and you have him out here. Pitiful," and with that he slammed his sword down into the neck of the soldier, cutting off his cries of agony.

He turned back towards Darius, whos jaw was clenched in stoic anguish. "If you agree to hand over your Kingdom to me I can end the suffering of all the poor little soldiers like him right now."

Now it was Darius' turn to laugh. He turned around and swung his own sword at the nearest of Magnus's soldiers, impaling him through the chest.

"After all of the damage you've already done, dear Magnus, we will not quietly back down away from you. If you want this Kingdom you'll have to kill me for it." He raised his sword, ready to fight.

"Very well," Magnus leapt from his horse and with a sudden battle cry swung his sword down. Darius met his blow with the edge of his sword, pushing back.

Mildly impressed, Magnus swung again. Darius blocked his sword again but his arms screamed with pain, the wounds opening more with each strained movement. He went on the offensive, delivering his own blow, easing the tension in his body. Magnus was caught off guard but he still managed to block the swing.

It went on like that for what felt like hours. Both men trading blow for blow, only nicking the other. They were evenly matched. But, despite his obvious capabilities, Darius' wounds were draining him and his sword began to waiver. If he could just strike Magnus on the leg, he might have a chance.

Magnus, however, was still going strong, his wounds merely scratches. He could see the other King falter in his steps. Using this to his advantage, he lowered his sword and ran head first straight into Darius. The weaker King was caught off guard and he topple over, sword clattering away from him and into the pools of someone elses blood.

Magnus laughed, "its been fun, young one, but I think you need some rest."

"No! My blood lives on... you will never win!" Darius was gasping for breath as Magnus kneeled on his chest.

"Your bravery is commendable, I'll be sure to tell the next Kingdom. Say your prayers, King Darius of Riteron." Magnus brought his sword up above his neck, ready to kill.

Darius' eyes rolled back and he thought of his wife, his gentle Queen, the only woman he had ever wanted, her ferice yet fair nature,  a storm amongst them all. He thought of his daughter and her big innocent eyes. The daughter he would never see grow up. The daughter he had sent away to a dragon with a strange man she did not know. I should have taken her myself  he thought to himself, as he lay there on the brink of death.

He opened his eyes, his vision blurred and body limp. He could not fight this anymore. He heard Magnus speak some more but his body was already shutting down. He felt the cool tip of a sword against his throat and managed to focus his eyes on Magnus, who grinned ear from ear.

Magnus pushed the sword full force through the throat of the dying king, and watched as the light faded from his eyes. He stood, wiping the blood off his sword and turning back to the battlefield. This one was already won.

The King is dead.

Hey hey, what do you think??
Our dear King is dead and his Kingdom is falling.
What fate awaits our young princess??

 What fate awaits our young princess??

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