Chapter 16 - War and Peace

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When we had returned to the Isles, Eron had dropped me off in the meadow where I slept until morning

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When we had returned to the Isles, Eron had dropped me off in the meadow where I slept until morning. When I woke up, I stay there amongst the flowers, the whole night seeming like just a dream. I had actually left the Isles.

I grinned and bounced up, heading towards the caves. When I got there, my smile slipped away as I laid eyes on James and Tamina. They both sat quietly, fingers linked and eyes empty.

I turned away from the sight and headed towards the lake. I lay down with my head on the bank, letting my haur drift in the water. The dirty blonde curls were getting too long for me to bother with.

"You smell weird," Taurus commented as he walked over to me. I rolled my eyes and closed them, not in the mood to talk him. Business as usual.

"Sapphire," he started again "do not ignore me." I sat up now, annoyed.

"You have no qualms about ignoring me for days, but are pouting the moment I don't say hi."

He snorted and sat down, curling his tail around his body.

"Where did you go?" He asked as I wrung  out my hair.

"Nowhere. I slept in the meadow. Anymore questions?" I replied, irritated.

"Who's your new friend?" He said, looking over my shoulder.

I turned around, and across the lake a distinctice orange dragon was landing. I smiled at the memories of last nights flight but quickly dropped it as I turned back to Taurus with a puzzled look.

"I've never met him before, who is that?" He gave me a sour look but expalined anyway.

"Eron. A powerful but dangerous dragon. You would do good to stay away from him."

Now it was my turn to look behind Taurus. All five Elder dragons were stapking towards us, their sights set on Eron.

"I think we're about to be caught in some crossfire, climb up," Taurus said, noticing the entourage coming towards us.

I scrambled up his back, hands gripping the familiar ice peaks. I turned to watch the Elder dragons. As they passed as Alatnor, the eldest of them all, met my gaze with his own steady one. His icy grey eyes seemed to study my very soul as he looked at me, leaving me feeling exposed.

"Eron," Elder Rucktus called out across the lake. He was the most likeable of the Elders, considering all the time he spent amongst the regualr dragons.

Eron walked along the surface of the water, unbridled swagger in his steps. Water dragons hovered below the surface, watching him closely but with fear rather than caution. I felt my confusion begin to build. He couldnt be dangerous, he likes to water dive. 

As soon as I thought it, his eyes snapped to me, their yellow glow visible even in the daylight.

"Elder Rucktus, a pleasure," he replied as he reached the bank.

"Eron, you know your visit is anything but. You promised to not return to main  valley, yet this is the second time in less than a day that you have been here." I felt my the temperature drop as Taurus' suspicions were confirmed and his anger grew.

"Now, now, Rucktus, thats no way to greet an old friend."

"You are no friend of mine, Eron, nit after the damage you inflicted." Elder Rucktus seemed hurt and disappointed as he spoke to the young dragon.

"Damage?" I whispered quietly.

"I did say he was dangerous, Sapphire. What exactly did you do last night?" I stayed silent, focusing on the scene 8n front of me.

"Why are you here?" Alatnor stepped forward. He was tall and regal, a true force of power.

"Alatnor," Eron bowed his head in greeting, a smug grin on his face. He was different now then he was last night. Last night he had been funny yet calm. This was a dragon filled with mischief and destruction.

"Why?" Alatnor asked again, a growl rumbling in his chest.

"I come bearing great news," he replied, prancing towards us, mockingly. The Elders let him pass and he circled Taurus, whos body was rigid and ready for battle.

"The princess, is alive," he said quietly "and everyone knows."

I met his beady yellow stare with my own, confused at his words. We know the rogues know, who else is there?

He grinned, probably having read my thoughts. I snapped my gaze away from him, as if that would shield my thoughts from his prying eyes.

"Who knows?" Elder Rucktus asked aloud. I almost fell limp as I felt Erons gaze leave my body. Taurus looked back at me, something like concern filling his eyes.

"Buphas and his drakon." Taurus roared loudly, launching himself at Eron. I grabbed on to his ice as Eron dodged and flew upwards.

"You told him," Taurus growled.

"I did no such thing," Eron said, though his sly grin said otherwise.

"Who is Buphas?" I asked. I regretted it as all eyes landed on me, the current bane of everyones existance.

"Buphas is the closest thing the rogues have to a leader. And you, young princess, seem to be of great value to him." Eron replied, though he dared not remain on the ground a second longer.


"That is not of your concern at this moment," Alatnor butted in before Eron could explain further.

"Leave, Eron, you are not needed here any longer." Rucktus all but scolded the orange dragon.

"One more thing..." he said slowly "Buphas has laid a claim." I was shocked at the news as well as the other dragons. Rogues typically did not lay claim, and if they did the life force of the human was usually instantly snatched.

"Leave before you are banished," Rucktus said, breaking the silence.

Eron twirled and dipped low, rippling the surface of the water before he few away. He turned back once, and I was sure his beady gaze was focused on me.

'Do not trust who does not speak,' he said into my mind before turning and flying on.

"Sapphire," Alatnor called. I looked at him, still uncomfortable in his gaze "come, we have much to discuss."

Im taking a little bit of a risk by adding in a new plot line here. But, I think it'll work out and help extend the story in areas where my original idea would be lacking.

As always, please feel free to comment, like and share my story with everyone, I appreciate all the attention you give my book.

Love you all,




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