Chapter 15 - Different Cities

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I gave the bright dragon a weird look

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I gave the bright dragon a weird look. He was strange, but I felt calm and relaxed beside him.

Hes giving you what you want, just go.

"Whats your name?"

"Eron. Shall we go?" He asked. He seemed eager to be off the ground.

I shrugged, and climbed up his back. His body hummed with power as I climbed up and for a moment, I was scared of what could happen if he lost control.

"I wont," he said quietly, stretching his wings out.

"I forget, telepathy, you can read my mind," I said wryly, as I slid my hands into his thick mane. He chuckled, a rich and deep sound.

"I can also send you a message," before I could request a demonstration he leapt off of the mountain and into the dark sky.

"Where are we going?" I yelled up to him.

"Just look around," he said and continued flying onwards.

He was a strong flyer, his large wings carrying us high and fast. Within minutes, the Isles were but a small distant speck on the horizon. Looking around, all I could see was endless water. Oceans stretched on for miles all around us.

"How long will it take to get there?" I asked, aching to see something new.

"Patience, little princess. We shall be there soon."

I turned over and lay on my back, looking up at the distant stars. It was quiet here, away from everyone else. No expectations, just me flying on the back of a stranger.

Suddenly, Eron dipped down, I tirned and grabbed onto his mane just as we hit the water. I gasped and held my breath as the cool water chilled me to the bone. Eron glided through the water and I opened my eyes to see the wondrous depths we had plummeted to.

As we broke the surface, I gasped and choked on the air, my lungs inflating again. As I looked up I saw a huge land mass up ahead. Lined with cliffs and huge off shore rocks, it was beautiful. It was new.

I had already gotten over the fact that I was soaked, crawling higher into Erons mane to see the land better. It stretched on for miles, already far bigger than any of the Isles I had grown up on. There was so much to see.

"Shall we walk or fly?" Eron asked as we neared the cliffs.

"Yes," I breathed, eager to just be there.

He chuckled and touched down on the land. I scrambled off of his back and walked away, stepping tentatively at and soon, I was sprinting. Everything felt different here.

There were no nests in sight, no boroughs and no caves. The land looked untouched. As I ran forward, a thicket of trees covered the ground. A range of flowers and mushrooms sprouted from the ground, different from the ones at home.

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