Chapter 16

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Jennifer's P.O.V.

Did I just hear her say cancer?

-"I have what?" *tears fill in my eyes as I look at him.

-"You have cancer, specifically leukemia. Depending on how fast its spreads will determine the type of leukemia you have. We need to get you started into chemo as soon as possible so we can get rid of it."

-"Um... ok..." *I look down and just stare into space thinking how could this even happen.

-"Would you like me to tell the other's or would you want to do that?"

-"I um... I will... How do I get rid of this?"

-"Well, we would have to start chemo therapy right away so say in 2 days?"

-"Yes... that's fine..."

-"Jennifer, you will be ok, you are strong and I don't know you well and you don't know me well but your are strong and that is key in having cancer. You have so many people that love you that can help you get through this. Your family, your friends, all you JLover's, you will get through this Jennifer and I am your doctor so I will help you every step of the way."

-"Thank you... so what do I do then?"

-"Well, I will set up an appointment with you for tomorrow at 10? I will come to you obviously and talk to you about the whole process and what we have to do."

-"Yes that's um, sounds good."

-"Ok, so for now just try to get some sleep, I will bring the other two in."

He leaves the room and all of the sudden, it's like my life pauses once he closes that door. I see everything still, everything is silent. The worst part, how will I tell them about all this? I hear the door open as I see Leah and Harry walk in.

L-"Hey, what did the doctor tell you?"

-"He showed me how to um, clean my stitches, so I can show both of you just in case."

-"Mama? Are you ok?" *I look down and tears start to shed as I shake my head no.

H-"No don't cry please baby? It's ok, me and Leah are here for you."

-"I am tired guys, I should get some sleep, see both of you tomorrow?"

-"Are you crazy? I am not leaving my best friends side."

-"Look, Harry can you call Georgia and have her come look after me? I want you and Leah to go help my mom with the kids. Georgia will take care of me, I will be ok."

-"Are you sure? I can stay here with you."

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