Chapter 39

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Georgia's P.O.V.

I woke up to a constant beeping noise. I felt so empty and sick. I squinted my eyes open and I was in a hospital room... Again. I started to cry and feeling the emptiness eat up my heart. I didnt want to be alive, breath, talk, hear, I just wanted to be with my mom. A burst came into my room and it was my panicked dad, Leah and grandma.

"Georga, are you serious?! You could died!"

"Yeah, I know dad... thats exactly what I wanted...."

"I know you miss your mom and I do too but we are in this together and we need to be a team. We can work through this together ok? Dont do that again... your siblings are worried about you."

"I just cant do it without mom..." *I broke down in tear again and Leah walked over and hugged me.

"We all didn't want to do this without her Georgia... but she would want you to work through this with all of us standing together."

*36 Years Later*

"Mom, when are we getting the family together?"

"Angie, come eat baby! Um, tomorrow for lunch. We are going to go see my dad..."

"Yeah!!! I get to see great grandpa Harry!!!"

"Yes you do Angie!"

"Hannah can come right?"

"You know she is always welcome baby. I love you the way you are. Mom should be home soon. I am gonna go buy a pizza and when I get back, the house should still be good and the table should be set."

"I am 26 and I have a daughter that is 3. I got it haha!"

"I love you Jenny."

"I love you more mom. I am glad I was named after grandma, she seemed so special and nice and caring."

"Yeah she is, she is just like you... I just wish grandpa could remember that too..."

"He will one day... go get the pizza so we can eat and then get rest and we will leave in the morning."

I drove off and grabbed the pizza and got back. Angie was asleep and Hallie was home now and so was Jennifer's girlfriend, Hannah. Anna and Jamie, our two other daughters, were home now after getting out of work. Anna is 23 and Jamie is 22. They both are single still but I always tell them to never give up.

"Hey kids, how was work?"

"Eh it was alright..."

"And how was work my beautiful wife."*I wrap my arms around her and place a soft kiss on her lips.

"It was good baby. Are we going to leave at 9 tomorrow to go see your dad?"

"Yeah, my other brothers and sisters will be there too. Uncle Max, Auntie Emme, Uncle Joseph, Auntie Sarah and Auntie Charlotte. And all their kids too. It might be a little too much for dad to handle..."

"Hey, I have a feeling he will remember them all today. And when he looks at Jenny, he will remember your mom."

We all ate in silence and went to bed. I couldn't sleep so I stared out the window while Hallie spooned me. I have an amazing wife, amazing and talented daughters who all are in the music industry and a cute granddaughter.

All of them reminded me of her so much... I never and have never went to see her since she died, I couldn't and tomorrow, I am going to go see her. it would be exactly 37 years that she would have passed tomorrow.I woke up to Hallie shaking me a bit.

"Baby, Georgia, babe you overslept. Its time to go, come on, you can change in the car and sleep too. I think Hannah and Jenny got the driving for us."

"Oh gosh... Im sorry Hallie baby, Ill be down in a second."

She kissed my forehead and walked out to the car. I quickly got dressed then locked the house and got into the car. I curled into Hallie and slept the whole way. To get to my dad, it was a 4 hour drive. Anna woke me once we got there.

We walked to a big room to see the rest of my family had arrived. I said hi to everyone and they all looked great. Being the oldest, I was starting to get wrinkles even if I looked as good as mom. A few minutes later, dad walked in and still had a confused look like he always did when he saw everyone but when he sees me and my wife and kids and grandkid, he always smiles wide and cries.

We come to see him as much as we can but with all of us in the music area, it's hard to find the time. We said our hellos and we sat and I got straight to the point with him.

"Dad, do you remember all these people?"

He took a quick glimpse around the room and said no. I called Joseph, Sarah, Charlotte, Max and Emme over.

"Dad, take a close look ok?" *this will be the first time he actually does take a closer look with all of them."


"Dad, please..."

He sighed and he took a long look at everyone until he stared at Joseph. The longer he looked at him, the wider his eyes became and the more they filled with tears... He remembers...

"Joseph... son..."

"You remember..."

"Oh my god kids.... I am so sorry I forgot..."

"It's been a few years since your alzheimer's took over, but we are trying to help you remember."

"Im so sorry... "

"Dont be dad..."

Hallie held my hand as all of my siblings gave my dad a warm hug. They all introduced their kids and other halfs. He was so happy that he was a grandpa and great grandpa too. The time went by and it turned 5pm.

I was happy he remembered but I had to take him to one more place. I got my dad into the car and drove for a little then stopped. We got out of the car and took a small stroll when we finally stopped in our tracks and stared at the stone that had said Jennifer Lynn Lopez and had a picture of her.

"Dad, do you remember who this is?"

As I stared down at the stone, I started to cry thinking about all the memories. I kneeled down and touched the cold stone. The cool winds breezed by and I could no longer see what was infront of me. I closed my eyes and cried.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked next to me and saw tears in my dads eyes... he remembers mom now... I cried more and he pulled me to his chest. We sat there for a few minutes crying into each other and calmed down.

And once we calmed down, dad started talking about the memories we had together. He started to remember everything again. Life was retracking in his mind and it was all great. We stayed there for an hour and went back with the family to talk. We laughed and talked and laughed some more... we all did.

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