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I finally published this! Sorry it took so long if you're coming from my other book. Anyway, here's a sketch of the map to Spero. If you can't see what it says in the rainbow words, it says Castle of Elders. I'm not good at drawing maps, but here it is anyway. I hope you enjoy this! Also it's the Vietnamese New Year tomorrow!!! Happy Year of the Pig! I get to skip school, so YAY!!! :) Also a little bit gory so read if you want, but it's probably fine.

3rd POV.

Flying in the sky was a young dragon, his black scales covered in bleeding scratches. Flying as fast as his wings could carry him, he raced towards the approaching mountains. Diving down to a small ledge, he fell with a loud thump. Thump! He ran through the dark tunnels, reaching a crater outside in the mountains, other known as the royal nesting area. Eggs of all different sizes and colors rested in all types of nest, huddled together, with dragonets of different ages were wrestling with each other, ten of them being his siblings. Families stood over the wrestling hatchings, watching over the eggs. Five particular eggs were surrounded by adults and gold, lying in the fluffiest fur nest. "Sisters or brothers, please don't hatch now. I hope you can hear me in there." He thought. "We are all in danger!!" He screamed. "*huff* A human has killed an Elder!!! The human has black hair, has a strong build, and he has a gold symbol on his yellow clothes!" Gasps spread throughout the room, followed by whispering of the adults.

"It can't be the legendary dragon hunter? Could it?" Whispered a blue dragoness.
" It can't be, a human can't live for two hundred years, unless their a dragon rider." Replied a green dragon.
"Shh, the queen is coming forward." Shushed an older, grey dragon.
Growling, a tall, regal, royal purple dragon came forward asking,"Which Elder? And where is your father, Toothless?" The royal purple dragoness had been one of the adults watching his sister, waiting for her to hatch.

"W-Well, m-mother it was gr-grand father, on dad side, and d-dad is trying to fight the human off. We have to take the eggs and hatchlings out of here!" He stammered. Looking over to his younger siblings he could see that they were all as angry and sad as the adults. Nuzzling him, his mother quickly used her magic to heal him.

Watching his family quickly put their wings around the eggs and hatchlings, a fiery red dragoness asked,"And how exactly are we going to do that? There are two many eggs to be risked, hatchlings that could be killed. I say as proud dragons of the royal family, we should fight for the safety of our dragonets. How can a mere human possibly kill an Elder?"

"You don't understand aunt Crystal, the human is a dragon slayer. He has guns and swords with powerful magic in them. That's how he killed grandfather, by shooting him with these guns. These guns and swords don't just injure our bodies, they injure our soul." He answered. Crack! Everyone fell silent, even the dragonets. They all stared at one of the five eggs. The shiniest, biggest, black egg was starting to hatch. But footsteps too quite to be dragon were starting to echo from the tunnels. Toothless quickly realized that those footsteps didn't belong to his father and that meant he was dead. Grabbing his hatching sister, he put his wings over his younger siblings. Not being able to grab the other eggs. One pink dragon was brave enough to peak their head into the tunnel only to scream in agony. Chaos erupted as they saw their cousin fall to the ground, dead. Dragons rushed to get the eggs and hatchlings to safety, only to be struck down. Eggs and hatchlings were crushed including his siblings eggs that he wasn't able to get. Some tried to attack the human, only to be somehow killed in an instant.

Attacking the human to protect the others, was his mother. Shouting, his mother ordered him,"Run, take your siblings, especially the egg that hatching. Go N-" His mother was cut short when the human slashed at her back. Roaring, she turned to face the human. Slashing at him, breathing fire, hoping to slow him down, but to no avail nothing could harm the human. Just as the human towered over his mother, his two youngest siblings rushed in between of the human and their injured mother. Blood of all colors was all over the floor now. Shades of blues, greens, blacks, reds, and golds was splattered on the nests. Broken bodies of dragonets and dragons littered the floor.

"Please! Don't kill mother! Leave us alone!" They begged, hoping that he would. But he didn't, instead he swung his sword at them, cutting their heads cleanly off. Toothless's mother cried out in sorrow at the loss of her two youngest hatchlings. Before anyone else could get over the shock of the little ones death, the human had stabbed their mother, right in the heart. Toothless finally realizing what just happened, he lost all sense of rationality. Growling in hatred and anger, he blasted the human with blue fire, burning the left side of his body. Yet the human still stood moved, as if it was nothing. Shocked, Toothless urged his siblings to fly and find a safe place to hide.

Looking back at the human, he gave Toothless a sinister smirk, laughing evilly, saying,"These are the so called royal dragons! Can't even attack one human. All that boasting for nothing, and you thought you were the boss." He looked at his hatching sister,"Listen up dragon, I'm going to spare you and that little egg you have there. I want to see you suffer, just like what you did to us humans for so long, but not anymore. Humans are now the rulers of this world! Tell that to all the other dragons too. Now leave before I change my mind! And one more thing, my name is Liam! Liam the greatest dragon hunter in the history of human kind! Now remember that name well!"

Glancing back at his dead family, Toothless take his sister and started to fly away from that place. Only for Liam to shoot at him, missing Toothless, but instead hit his sister. Laughing like a manic as Toothless cried out, hoping his sister was okay. Still clutching her egg, he flew as fast as his wings could carry him, flying far, far away from there.

Few hours later.

Collapsing to the in the Forest of Spirits, Toothless landed with a thud. Looking at his talons, he saw a small, black head head poke out. Still shaken at what had happened, he managed to smile at her. "I'll *huff* name you *huff* Mystic Orchid. You're *huff* human name shall be *huff* Lylian." He managed to say. He was glad that she was okay, at least until he saw her wings. She had two pairs of wings a feathered one on the bottom and a scaled on top. He was shocked and sad to see that her scaled wings were ripped. Holes filled her small wings. Sadly, even with feathered wings below the scaled ones, the scaled ones would weigh her wings down, stopping her from flying. Possibly forever. Exhausted, he feel asleep.

Now in silence Mystic Orchid was scared. She didn't sense her mother or father anywhere. She was surrounded by strange noises. None of them sounded like a familiar purr from her mother. Trying to nudge her brother awake. She bit him, pulled on his ear, but nothing worked. Now crying, she whispered,"Brother."

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