Chapter 5

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Welcome back peeps! I think that after every special chapter I'll try to make a longer chapter. What do you think? Anyway I hope you'll enjoy this longer chapter.
Lylian POV

Its been exactly two years since I met Selena, Jacob, and Lloyd. my scales have gotten darker and I'm six  going into the second grade. It's been a lot of fun, but the elders have been acting weird lately. They haven't been letting me see my friends or get out of the castle. They started having tutors come to the castle even though it's summer. They also have them teach me stuff about war and many things that I don't want to learn about. The elders even started teaching me how to use my abilities and my magic.

I haven't been seeing mommy lately either. I wonder if she's busy? I should go ask BlackLightning about why the elders are acting weird and where mommy went. I'm pretty sure mommy said that she was friends with BlackLightning or was it BlackRose? I thought to myself as I walked to the library. The hallway had concrete walls painted a sandy yellow. The hallways have red carpets on top of the polished mahogany floors. The hallway was awfully quiet. I couldn't even hear the rats talking.

The rats sometimes keep me company when the elders are too busy with war meetings or when BlackLightning is too busy commanding the army or when BlackRose is busy commanding her own little group of guards. I still don't know why I can understand the rats but no other dragon can.

I sighed. I looked at the digital clock on the hallway wall. 2:20. Oh no! I'm late! I thought. I started running through the halls till I saw the library door. I pushed it open,"Sorry I'm late! I just finished cleaning my toys up! Also my sisters wanted to play longer!" I yelled.

My history of dragon wars and current wars tutor is a pretty, young light dragoness named Lina. Lina has sandy yellow scales that glimmers in the light. She also has light yellow, feathered wings and a long tail. She's pretty nice and has bubbly personality for someone who teaches war and history of dragon wars to a dragonet. She also has a sweet voice. Sometimes she teaches me how to speak and write better. She even lets me speak the human language and she even talks it back to me! She sat at a long table filled with large old books, a few notebooks, and a bunch of pens and pencils.

"It's alright princess. But next time, please look at the time. I know you love your little sisters but these lessons are to help you become a good ruler," Lina said calmly and with a smile. I nodded and sat next to her.

"You know you can just call me Lylian or Mystic. Princess is tooooo loooong to say," I said.

"I know princess, but the elders would fire me if they found out I called you by your human name or by the dragon nickname your friends gave you. Now see where we left! Dragons used to be at peace with humans until about 6-8 years ago. What really caused dragons to go back to our old ways of destroying villages was the day you were born when...let's skip this part! So-" Lina said nervously.

"Wait! What does it say! Let me see! I'll read it if you don't let me see it!" I interrupted.

"I'm sorry princess, but I can't nor can I let you read it. I'm afraid the elders won't let me, if I tell you I'll be in danger of being exiled! So let's move on," she said hastily. I grumbled but nodded.

"Ok let's see, ever since the incident on your birthday, dragons have been at war with humans. The last time we had been at war was about three hundred years ago, during the time of your great-great grandfather. We had lost a fifty year war and were forced into hiding. The humans nearly caused us extinction. Soon afterwards though, the humans offered us peace. So for the next two hundred and fifty years we lived in peace unti-are you taking notes princess? You know there's going to be a quiz Friday?" She asked.

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