Chapter 7

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Welcome back! I hope you enjoy the this chapter. Sorry it took so long to update. Also starting August I'll be updating every Thursday. On the last week of the month I'll update on Tuesday and Thursday. Since school is starting soon I have a lot more motivation and time to write this for some reason.
Lylian POV

"BackLightning! There's a candy shop! Can we go there?! Can we?!"

"Ooh! There's an ice cream store! Can we get ice cream?! I want strawberry ice cream!"

"Oooooh! That shop sells shiny things! Can I have a shiny thing?!"

"OH MY STARS! Princess, we've been here for only a minute! I'll take you to one shop at a time, so please be quite, also stop yawning. Again we've been here for only one minute, how can you be tired? You know what never mind just be quite. Ok?!" BlackLightning roared.

"Fiiiine." BlackLightning let out a sigh. "Oh look! There's a bunch of dragons around that shouting dragon!" I exclaimed, pointing at the town square. There is a red dragon sitting on a stage shouting things, while dragons surrounded him.

"Oh my stars! Princess wha-wait what?" BlackLightning looked at where I pointing at. Puzzlement filled his face but was quickly changed to worry.

"Princess here's some gold coins. Go into whatever shop want, but do not, and I mean do not go near there. Got that?" He said emphasizing the word mean.

I nodded and took the gold coins. I smiled before running to the candy store. The candy shop is white on the outside and pink in the inside. The candy store has large windows showing all the candy.  I looked at a sign on the window. The word are written in a neat and pretty handwriting. It read,"4 ℙℐℰℂℰЅ Ꮎℱ ℂᎯℕⅅᎽ ℱᎾℛ ⅅℛᎯᎶℕℰᏆЅ Uℕⅅℰℛ Ꮖℋℰ ᎯᎶℰ Ꮎℱ 8 ℐЅ ℕᎾᏇ ℱℛℰℰ ℱᎾℛ ᏆᎾⅅᎯᎽ."

Yay! I get free candy now. I thought. I opened the door and a tiny bell at the top ringed. No other dragon are in the store apart from a dragon sitting behind the counter. The dragon has pale pink scales and a cheerful smile. When the dragon looked at me, he shot straight up.

"P-p-princess! I didn't realize you were coming here! Take as much candy as you want, free of course! Here's this baggy for you." The dragon stuttered. He went around the counter to give me the bag and went back. He watched me take the candy with a worried and rushed expression.

I looked around the store and grabbed a handful of candy from a few candy jars. I quickly filled the bag and walked to the counter. I reached up and plopped a gold coin on it. "Here! Take this gold coin." I said cheerfully.

"N-n-no princess! I can't take it!"

"Well I want you to take it! So pleeaasssee!"

"W-w-well if you insist." The pink dragon said. He quickly took the gold coin and put it in a cash register.

I waved him goodbye. I opened the door and looked at the town square. BlackLightning is now arguing with the shouting dragon. I wonder what the dragon said to make BlackLightning angry. I should go see what's happening. But BlackLightning told me not to go. Hmmm, ice cream first. I went across the street to get strawberry ice cream.

The ice cream store is pink on the outside and white in the inside. There are pink and white tables around the store. A green speckled blue dragoness stood behind the counter with ice cream. "Oh! Princess I didn't know that you would be coming! The usual?" She asked.

"Yes please! I want a cone this time though." I said. She nodded and smiled. She put two scoops of strawberry ice cream on the cone and gave it to me. The green speckled blue dragoness did the same thing as the pink dragon, in the end she took the coin too. I ate my ice cream at one of the tables while the dragoness looked over me. I said goodbye and left to see if BlackLightning is still yelling at the red dragon.

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