Chapter 4

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Hello! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm going to try to update 2-3 times a month now that I have a few things planned out. Also sorry if this chapter is a little shorter than the last ones.
Lylian's POV

"C'mon guys! There's nothing to be afraid of. There's most likely just a bear or something," reassured Selena. It had only been fifteen minutes since we went into the forest, but we were already worried. Selena lead us through the forest with me on her back followed by Jacob then my cousin.

Selena then stopped dead in her tracks. Her hair stood up, and she let out a low growl. Jacob then asked,"What's who-" Selena shushed him and stared in front of us. We had stopped in front of a large oak tree. It was big enough to fit at least all of us and still have room for another person at the base. Selena sniffed the air and so did Jacob.

Jacob and my cousin moved next to us. Snap! We all looked to our left. There a large bush started rustling. Selena's nails grew into claws and her eyes became more animal like. Her growl became louder, warning the thing to leave or show itself.

I hugged Selena's head tighter. I could feel the tears ready to come pour out in fear. Then I smelled it. Human. I thought. There's a human over there. Wait, maybe it's a nice human. Like the one I met with momma. Then I saw a familiar badge in the bush. "Hey! I know that badge! You're the mister that I met last night. Mr. Liam!"

Selena relaxed a little and she looked shocked that I knew the human language. Mr. Liam came out of the bush with his arms in the air. "You got me kid. Didn't think you remembered," he said. "So kid, whatcha doing with two wolf pups and a whatever that kid is in the middle of a forest?" He asked.

I was about to answer him put Selena interrupted and commanded,"Don't talk to her! Right now you're in our territory so you better explain what you're doing here. Got that? Also don't call her kid use her real name and before you call me kid, the names Selena." Mr. Liam nodded.

"Well Selena, I'm here because I heard that there's been a dragon sighting near a village so I came here to see if I can find the dragon and stop it from causing chaos. Now that I answered your question let Lylian speak."

"These are my friends! This is Jacob and this is my cousin...Lloyd," I said as I quickly thought of a name for my cousin. "And we're here because we want to expwore!"

"Sure Lylian, so where are your parents?" Mr. Liam asked.

"My parents are busy. They have to do a lot of work." I said. Selena was still on guard, but relaxed a little bit. "Also why would a dragon cause chaos? Aren't dragons nice?" I asked.

Mr. Liam sighed and answered,"Dragons are dangerous because they can wipe out entire villages with just a single fire breath from them. And I've never heard of a nice dragon. If you somehow find one, tell me when we next meet. Anyways, bye Lylian." Mr. Liam saluted us before walking back to the bush.

I didn't relieve that Selena was holding onto my leg tightly until she relaxed. "Come on, let's go back. We don't want the adults to get anymore worried then they already are." She said. The rest of us nodded. I shifted back into a dragon. We followed the little trial we made until it stopped randomly.

"I think we're lost. Also the trail's been messed up." My cousin said.

"Well duh! But don't worry the adults will find us. All we have to do is stay right her and wait for them." Selena responded. We all sat down. I sat on Selena's lap. I could feel the tears start coming to my eyes.

I started crying,"W-w-what..if the a-adult won't...find us?" I wiped my tears away with my sleeves. Now everyone expect Selena started crying. All of us are now huddled together. Selena started petting my head, trying to make us stop.

"Don't worry! The adults will come find us! Now take deep breaths and relax." She reassured. We all took deep breaths and slowly calmed down. We still hiccuped here and there, but at least we stopped. We waited and waited. There is still a lot of daylight since it's noon.

After a few minutes we heard yelling. "Princess! Where are you?! Come out! We won't punish you!" Screamed a familiar voice.

"Selena! Jacob! Where are you?!" Roared another.

"Son! Come out!" Yelled another.

"Over here!" We all yelled. Selena's and Jacob's father came bounding over to us along with their mother. They sniffed at Selena and Jacob before deeming them unharmed.

Elder Ivy came to me and grabbed me into her claws. I'm barely the size of her claw so it's easy for her to hold me. She held onto me as if she was going to lose me forever. She nuzzled my head.

My cousin's father ran to him and pulled him into a fierce hug. Then he pushed him forward to check for injuries. When he made sure that he had no injuries, he hugged him even tighter.

"Where the heck have you been! Tonight you are sleeping with us! Who knows what type of trouble you'll get into alone!" Elder Ivy scolded.

"Don't ever run off like that again!" King Remus scolded.

"And don't you ever leave without an adult. Do you know how dangerous it is for children to go in the forest by themselves?" Scolded, King Leif.

"We're sorry! We won't do it again!" We cried. The adults let out a sigh of relief.

"Now let go back. Unfortunately, we'll have to reschedule our meeting some other day," Elder Ivy said.

"Of course. The children must be cared for first." Leif said.

We walked back in silence, apart from a few hiccups here and there. When we reached the meeting area, we all said our goodbyes and left. Before we were about to leave I said,"Elder Ivy, we meet a human in the forest." The elders looked at each other horrified and worried.

"What! Did it hurt you?! Are you okay?!" Elder Ivy exclaimed, horrified.

"I'm okay!" I reassured. "But the human said something about hunting a green dragon. Will the dragon be okay?" I asked.

"Thank you for telling us this little one. And don't worry the dragon will be fine. We'll send a guard there immediately." Elder Magma said. I looked at her, pleased.

We went through the portal back to the Elders room. Just as Elder Magma said, he sent one of the strongest guards to look over the green dragon. I got another bath and I had dinner. Afterwards, the elders had my blankie and stuff animals brought here.

I curled up to Elder Whittaker. I snuggled against my stuffie and laid underneath my blankie. The elders started to sleep too.

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