Chapter 12

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Welcome back peeps! I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Lylian's POV

We waited in silence, for the dragon or dragons to come. I could hear chattering and claws clanking on the hard floor echo through the tunnels. Luckily it smelled horrible in here or else the dragons would be able to smell us out. Unfortunately for us, we're stuck here until they leave.

The chattering got close enough for me to hear what's being said.

"I wonder why the General sent us down here. It's not like the rebels could possibly hide down here for so long without getting caught." One of them said.

"The General's probably just being cautious, after all the Princess is missing. Plus, the Elders are being harsher than usual to him." The other one replied.

I opened one of my eyes and saw a dragon and a dragoness walk into our tunnel. They wore silver armor and had spears. The suddenly stopped to smell the air. The dragon wrinkled his snout and gagged, the dragoness however, started looking around the tunnel. Did she smell us? I hope it's just the horrible smell that she smelt. I worried.

I quickly closed my eyes when the dragoness looked our way. "Do you smell that?" She asked her partner.

"Yeah, it smells horrible in here. Can we go back now? No dragon can possibly survive this sickening smell for long," He whined.

"No you idiot! There's someone else here. I bet this smell is to try to throw us off. Go that way and I'll go this way. If you find any dragon, arrest them," She growled.

The dragon let out a loud sigh but walked off. At least I think so from the sound of claws clanking. The dragoness started walking and sniffing around the tunnel, trying to locate us. Her footsteps got closer and closer until she stopped in front of us.

Deszeld and I held our breath as we waited for her to find us or hopefully leave. I could hear her sniffing around my ear, but for some reason she didn't do anything. She growled in frustration and stomped off.

I could hear her mutter,"Tch, the scent disappeared." We stopped holding our breaths and took a deep breath. Once we knew that she was gone, I changed my scales back to their original color and walked away from the space. Deszeld walked out of the space and looked around.

"Lets go Princess, we need to tell the others that they finally found us," Deszeld said. He started running through the tunnels. I ran after him, trying to keep up. While running through the tunnels, Deszeld told any dragon that were there to get tell as many dragons as possible to leave to the second base.

We arrived at the room where I bit the other dragon. A bunch of dragons sat in the room, a lot more than before. Every dragon was squished against each other, some dragons were able to sit on perches on the walls. Dragon were still arriving into the room carrying boxes. I spotted Momma standing next to the dragon I bit. He had a bandage wrapped around his arm.

Deszeld walked to the middle of the room and I walked next to Momma. The dragon I bit gave me a pained smile and scooted away from me. I asked Momma,"How come every dragon is coming into this room? Shouldn't we be leaving?"

"Darling I want you to look closely at the floor. Now tell me, what do you see?" Momma said.

I looked at the floor, or at least tried to. There were too many dragons that I mostly saw tails and claws. Then I squinted my eyes and stared at the floor. That's when I noticed the markings. "It's a magic circle! Ohh, so it's going to teleport us! That makes sense," I exclaimed.

Momma smiled and pet my head. Once every dragon was in the room, the markings on the floor started glowing along with some of the older dragons eyes. A blinding light spread across the room, I closed my eyes to avoid being blinded. I opened my eyes after a few seconds and saw that we are now in a forest. Instead of grass and underneath us, there is a faint wooden circle with markings on it.

Around us are many tents filled with many things like boxes, weapons, medicine, and many other things. There are already some dragons here working on stuff. All the dragons here started rushing to do things around the camp.

Once the all the dragons left to work, Deszeld, Momma, and I were the only creatures left at the circle. "Darling, why don't you explore the camp for a little bit, but don't stray to far," Momma suggested. I nodded and Momma started talking to Deszeld.

I walked around the camp and saw that there's even perches built onto the trees. There is four main tents, they surround the wooden circle. They're also the biggest tents here. There's a white tent with a red plus sign, a grey tent, a huge circle tent, and a green colored tent.

The red tent has all the medicine, bandages, and potions in it. The grey tent has most of the food stored in it along with the extra supplies. The circle tent is where meetings are held for the rebellion. From what I heard from one of the dragons here, that's where the leaders of each groups have meetings. Apparently there's a lot more dragons in the rebellion then I thought. The green tent is where the weapons are kept and taken care of.

Further away are where the normal sized tents are. They surround the area, but they're spread apart from each other enough so that you can't see the next tent over. That's where some dragons sleep. Most of the dragons here sleep in the trees where the perches are.

I wondered around the camp a couple of times to try to remember how big it is. I'm surprised that BlackLightning or any of the guards haven't found this camp yet, it's just so big! While wondering around some of the adults came over to make sure

I'm okay or they would watch me.
I looked into the sky and realized that the sun is already setting. I looked in wonder at the sun setting through the trees. I squinted my eyes a little so that the sun didn't blind me. After a little bit I returned back to the wooden circle. Now Deszeld and Momma are talking to another dragon.

This dragon had white scales with jets of light blue that glittered in the setting sun. From what I know, he's probably an ice dragon. He's also probably melting from the heat of summer, but at least it's turning night. I slowly walked to Momma, trying not to get their attention, but of course that failed.

They noticed me almost right away and Momma called me over. "Come over here darling. I want you to meet Frost. Frost is the leader of this camp." I waved and Frost waved back. He has a long snout with a big scar over it. He looks a lot more serious than Deszeld.

"I'm glad you're doing fine Princess, I'd like to tell you about the plan we have. I hope you can tell us if you're fine with it or not," Frost said. I nodded and he started explaining,"Tomorrow we will send a message to the Elders about what we want and how to get you back. If they do agree, which is most likely, they will meet us in two days to negotiate. Now you will be there to help us because they won't be able to disagree with you if you make an order. It's a pretty simple but effective plan. What do you think."

"Sure, why not. It sounds like it'll work." I responded. I yawned and started rubbing my eyes. Momma said something to Frost and Frost nodded.

Momma picked me up and carried me one hand. "I'm going to bring you to a perch, so hang on a little bit longer. Okay darling?" She asked. I nodded sleepily. I closed my eyes and felt Momma jump into the air and land on a perch. She put me down as I slipped into sleep.

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