Chapter 21

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"Ooh! Look at all these books Lloyd! They all have dragons on them! Hey look at this one! It looks like the book back home! You know the one that has all the dragon species on it?" I exclaimed as we walked into a library, grabbing the book off of the shelf. We were already thirty minutes into the tour.

I ran around the library, looking at all the books that had a dragon on the cover. I ran to an empty desk and sat down. I frowned slightly as I opened the book, looking at a sword piecing through a dragon.

I turned to Lloyd and asked,"How come this book has a dragon and a sword through it? Our book doesn't have that, so why does this book have it?" Lloyd looked stricken before gaining his composure.

"You know that book is actually from back home, the eastern kingdoms where dragons are seen as gods and basically as creatures we should worship. Here it's a little different because the dragons here are a lot more aggressive," Lloyd lied.

I looked at him blankly before remembering that we're suppose to be undercover. "Ohh! That explains a few things! Okay, how come this book is smaller than the book at home though?" I asked.

"I don't know... why is it smaller than ours?" Lloyd asked as he turned to Mr. Liam, genuinely looking confused. Lylian after this conversation, I think it's time to go home.

Okay! I'm getting hungry anyway. I thought to him as I closed the book.

Mr. Liam stood behind us as he answered,"Well kid, from what I heard, the eastern kingdoms spend more time studying dragons than hunting them like how we do."

As we left the library, a handsome young man ran towards us. He stopped right in front of us, huffing. I looked at him carefully, noticing some similarities to Mr. Liam. Just as it hit me, the young man said,"Father! One of our hunting parties were attacked by two cloaked figures while out on a mission! A few of our men are out there fighting off the two figures while the injured are being brought back. They sent me here to get you out there, our hunters are losing somehow."

Mr. Liam froze and looked at his son seriously. "I'll be there right away. Micheal, I want you to bring these children to Mr. Moore's office while I handle the situation." Mr. Liam ordered.

Micheal nodded as Mr. Liam left, realizing that we were here too. I looked at Lloyd confused. He turned to me confused too.

"I guess you gonna follow me. Come on let's go quickly." He said as he nodded his head towards the exit. We both nodded as we followed him.
"So kids, how did you manage to even get into the guild, much less get a tour? I thought the big boss banned all visitors after the ban..." He asked us, muttering the last part as we walked on the streets.

It's already evening.

"Oh we were getting candy with Mr Moore and then I saw Mr. Liam. I met Mr. Liam at the Forest of Spirits twice so that's why I was able to recognize him! And apparently he knows Mr. Moore so he decided to let us come see the guild!" I explained as I skipped in front of him.

"Ah, that explains quite a few... Wait did you just say the Forest of Spirits?! Don't tell me your the kid that father has told me about." He said shocked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yup! The first time I met him, me and Mama were at a party. The second time me, Lloyd and my friends were at a family picnic and we got lost." I hopped towards Mr. Moore's workplace as we got closer, Lloyd followed closely, making sure I don't trip and fall.

"Bye bye!" I said as we waved our goodbyes and went into the building
I sat on Lloyd's lap as we watched BlackRose throw a rookie guard over her back. As another guard tried to hit her side, she swung around and kneed him in the gut before elbowing him in the back.

Me and Lloyd sat on the ground of the training area as we clapped. "Yay! Mama won again!" I chirped happily. Mr. Moore stood next to us as he stared in shock at what BlackRose could do.

"I didn't think she was this good... to be able to take on two groups of rookies without even breaking a sweat." Mr. Moore muttered in amazement.

"Yup! That's mama for you! Did you know that she used to be the second in command for the army back home? But then she had to stop fighting because she had to take care of me, so she's a little rusty!" I exclaimed as I stared at Mr. Moore's dumbfounded face.

BlackRose walked towards us and said,"Stop spouting nonsense little one, Mr. Moore doesn't need to know that. Now Mr–Aaron let's call it a day. The children need to eat dinner and I'm awfully tired." She said as she picked me up.

Mr. Moore nodded and said,"Of course Rose! I wouldn't want the children to starve now go home and rest with you husband." BlackRose nodded before giving him a fake smile and bringing us with her.

Once we arrived at the house, BlackLighting was already there and making dinner. BlackRose plopped me down onto the ground as she hugged BlackLighting from behind. "Tch, I just want to punch Mr. Moore on the face! Who does he think he is?! How dare he hit on me knowing that I'm married!" BlackRose yelled.

I sat with Lloyd on the couch as we walked passed them. Me and Lloyd watched as BlackRose complained about Mr. Moore.

"Hey BlackRose, BlackLighting, I forgot something. So how old are you?" I interrupted, tired from listening to BlackRose's rant.

"Hmm, oh well I'm only 314 and BlackLighting's only 326. Why do you ask Princess?"

"No reason, so what did you do today? Me and Lloyd found where the dragon hunters guild is!

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