Chapter 20

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Lylian's POV

"Ooh! It's a secret guild!" I shouted with excitements. "Wait, can me and Lloyd even enter a bar? I thought that that was only for adults?"

"Don't worry kid, as long as you're with me, they'll understand. Now just stay by my side and don't touch anything. Got that?" He answered, staring me in the eye.

"Yup! I understand, but if I see something sparkly or shiny, then I can't promise anything!" I said happily.

"Don't worry Mr. Liam, I'll make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid or touch anything." Lloyd said, earning a pinch from me.

"I won't do anything stupid! I'm not that idiotic! Now come on! I want to see this guild already!" I shouted pointing towards the bar. I started looking around and quickly realized that there are barely any other people here at all. "Hey where is everyone?"

"Kid just shut up and follow me please. And you, make sure you're little cousin doesn't do anything dumb."

"Yessir." Lloyd said quickly as he grabbed my hand. Mr. Liam opened the doors to the bar as we trailed behind.

I couldn't help but look in awe at how big the bar is in the inside. Well it looks nothing like a bar in fact. The first thing I notice is a large board with papers that have pictures of dragons on them. There is a bar in here, but that's only a tiny part. From what I could see, there is a training for both magic and regular weapons. There's a lobby where people can hang around and talk and a place where they can eat. There also seems to be some offices here too. The downstairs is filled with men, busy doing whatever.

The upstairs had a railing so that people could look down onto the downstairs. From what I could tell, the upstairs is where all the paper work is done considering all the people caring around papers and stuff.

"Wow! I didn't think this place would be so big!" I said, the excitement rising in my voice.

"Well well well, if we t isn't the great Stormbringer. Welcome back." A big burly man said as he walked towards Mr. Liam. "How was the mission–why the hell did you bring children here?! You should know by now that that's against the rules."

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to the boss's office anyway, no need to worry about these kids. They should be fine here. The men won't hurt them and there's many adults here that won't let them get hurt." Mr. Liam responded.

"Why are these children even here? I don't think that these are yours." The man said, pointing at us.

"These kids aren't mine. You know the chief of the city guards? Well anyway, two guards from the eastern kingdom came over to see how it's like over here and the chief decided to take care of their kids. And these kids wanted to see what the inside of a guild looked like, so here they are." Mr. Liam explained. "Now if you don't mind me, I have to make a report to the boss and explain to him why there's children here. Also keep an eye on them."

As he started leaving the man said,"Oh come on Stormbringer, I ain't no babysitter!" The man sighed as Me. Liam ignored him and kept on walking.

He looked down at us and we looked up at him. "Hoi there! I'm Lylian and this is Lloyd, what's your name?" I greeted cheerfully.

"The names Jason Harding. So Lylian, why don't we take a seat over there." Jason said as he pointed towards the couches.

"Okay! This place is so cool! I wanna come here again Lloyd!" I said as I bounded towards the couches, followed by Lloyd and Jason.

Lloyd sighed and said,"Don't know. We might be able to come but that depends if we're able to see Mr. Liam again or if he allows us to come with him."

"Awww, okay then." I said as I hopped on one of the couches, sitting next to Lloyd. Mr. Jason stood by us instead of taking a seat.

"Hey you, Lloyd right? Anyway, are you the same kids that were in the Forest of Spirits two years ago? I remember Stormbringer coming back from a mission and telling me that a group of children were just playing in that forest?" He asked us.

"Oh yeah! I remember that! It was pretty fun until we got lost! Luckily the grownups were able to find us." I answered instead of Lloyd.

"I'm glad they found you before a dragon did. Those monsters won't hesitate to kill anything they find." He said sighing.

I looked up a him confused,"What do you mean? Dragons aren't like that! They're very nice!" Me. Jason gave me a strange look. Lloyd turned over and gave me a quick glare before saying.

"Don't pay attention to her. The dragons back home are a lot different than the dragons here. As you know, eastern dragons have helped us many times." Lloyd said.

"Oh yeah, Stormbringer said you're parent are from the eastern kingdom. What were you doing in the Forest of Spirits anyway?" He asked us.

"Oh well, I'm actually Lylian's cousin and she was born here. My family had came to visit her family at a family gathering. Me and Lylian and a few other friends decided to explore the closest forest to our picnic and it just happened to be the Forest of Spirits. And currently Lylian is staying with us since her parents are very busy." Lloyd explained, telling half truths.

"Anyway, why would you want to see a guild of all things? There's much more interesting things in this city like the castle for example." He asked us.

"Well we've been in castles before and they're pretty boring after spending time in there for a while. Guilds sound much more interesting and we don't have to act proper or anything." Lloyd answered.

"Hmm, that explains why you talk much more proper than even the nobles around here," He said.

Mr. Liam has came back from wherever and said,"I hope these two haven't been bothering you too much. Anyway the boss decided that it would be alright to give these kids a tour. See you later Harding."

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