Chapter 17

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Lloyd's POV

I woke in the middle of the night. I waited a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. My night vision made everything brighter. I carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake up Lylian. I tiptoed across the room to the door. Careful, as to not wake up the adults, I changed into warmer clothes and put on slippers. Making sure that no one was following me, I opened the door to the out side and went out. I closed the door behind me and started walking.

Now you might be wondering,"Why are you leaving?" or "It's dangerous for a child to wonder alone at night!" Well, I want to find this dragon hunting organization before my little cousin does. I don't want anything bad to happen to her, so it's better for me to look for them before she finds them or they find her.

The stone roads are illuminated by light crystals in lamps. There are at least one lamp every block. I walked up the stone roads to the higher city. Usually well known organizations are put in the richer parts of the kingdom, but there are a lot more guards there. Luckily, we were given special necklaces from the king that allowed us to enter. A few days before our mission started, the elder dragons had gotten these necklaces so that we could freely roam the kingdom without a problem.

I stopped in the middle of the road and looked around me. When I made sure that no one was anywhere near me, I shut my eyes close and opened them. This time, my eyes glowed a bright golden color. I looked at the shadows before p hunters and lead me to it." 

After I finished my order, seven crows flew out of the shadows and into the midnight blue sky. I followed one of the crows, a small shadow creature. My enhanced vision along with my night vision helped me easily see the crow in the night sky.

I followed the crow past a few houses and shops without being spotted by any guards. Surprisingly, the guards aren't that good at finding intruders. But, once I past at least the seventh house, did they finally spot me. "Hey kid! Stop night there!" A man shouted from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to the man. I didn't run or do anything, I just stood there and waited for him to come to me. Once he did walk to me he asked,"What are you doing here kid? Don't you know only merchants and nobles live here?"

I simply pulled out the neck less and showed it to him. "I'm just taking a midnight walk. It's awfully boring studying all day and not having time to play, don't you think so?" I responded, trying to sound as snobby as I could.

"I'm sorry young master, I didn't realize. It's rare for a child to be walking out alone. Have a goodnight." He apologize as he left me.

Whew, that was close. I guess I should head back now. At least I know where some shops are, let's hope I have more time tomorrow to explore. I thought as I started heading back.

With a flick of my hand, the crows headed back into the shadows. From what the crows saw, the dragon hunters are probably deeper in the city.

I sped back to the house, hoping that no one woke up. Once I reached the house, I carefully opened the door and went in. I closed the door and turned around.

"Where have you been? I don't remember you telling me that you were taking a midnight stroll, your highness." I sheepishly put my fingers together and looked at BlackRose.

"I must've forgotten, silly me." I laughed uncomfortably. BlackRose's eyes turned to slits as she stared at me.

"Well then, tell me next time and I'll ell me the time you come back. Now go back to bed and stay there until morning." She said, sternly.

"Yes ma'am," I pouted. I went back to the room and changed into my pajamas. I took off my slippers and scooted into the bed. I made sure not to wake up Lylian and tried to fall asleep.
In the morning, Lylian was the first person to wake up. She jumped off the bed, waking me up in three process. I rubbed my eyes and stared at her grumpily, but I smiled when I saw her staring at me all innocent. BlackLighting and BlackRose soon woke up and got ready. I finished last because I didn't feel like getting out of bed.

Today the guards here will be bringing BlackRose and BlackLighting to their headquarters. Unfortunately, we have to come with them because we're too young to "stay by ourselves." Yeah right, I'm literally almost a teenager, and plus we have magic to keep us safe.

Apparently there were maids that had came to this house a little after I came home and made our meals for the day. We found our breakfast in the refrigerator. The maids had made fluffy omelettes with eggs. Their is juice in the fridge too.

BlackRose took the food out and heated it up with her magic. BlackRose took all the veggies out and left only cheese and ham for Lylian's omelette. Geez. Talk about being picky.

Once we finished breakfast, we got ready to leave. We put on our coats, scarves and hats because its almost autumn. There was a carriage waiting for us outside. BlackRose went in first, then me and Lylian, and then BlackLighting. Once we got in, we saw that there was a young man waiting for us inside.

This man has a sharp goatee and neat black hair, combed back. He wore a red velvet suit and had a cane.

"Hello Mr. Lightning, My name is Mr. Moore, and I am the chief of the city guards in this kingdom. I am happy to make your aquatints. Now if I may ask, where is the other one? I'm pretty sure the king said that their would be two guards here," The man introduced holding his hand out for BlackLighting to shake.

BlackLighting shook his hand and Mr. Moore turned to BlackRose and shook her hand, giving her a smile. This of course, annoyed BlackRose but she hid her annoyance with a small, refrained smile. "That would be me, Mr. Moore. Pleasure to meet you."

"Why pardon my rudeness, Mrs. Lightning. I didn't expect a beautiful maiden to have such a dangerous job. And why, what beautiful children you have." Mr. Moore said.

Is this man trying to sweet talk his way with BlackRose?! I already don't like him and it seems like Lylian doesn't either. I looked at her and saw a slight frown on her face, as if debating wether are not to bit him. "None taken Mr. Moore, I get that a lot. And thank you, and don't mind my daughter, it takes some time for her to get use to people." BlackRose answers him.

"Call me Aaron. And I understand it completely. What an adorable daughter you have. I bet that she'll grow up to be as beautiful as you." He said. Creepy. I'm hating this man more and more by the second. Does he have a thing for little kids, like can you stay 100 feet away from her. Thanks. I would have said this if it weren't for BlackLightning interrupting their little chat.

"Ahem. So Mr. Moore, I would like to know about your city guards and they rules you have. They can't be that different from ours."

"Why of course Mr. Lightning! But please do call me Aaron. Now—"

I stared at Lylian and saw her bored face too. I looked out the window and sighed. God this will be a long ride.

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