Chapter 24

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Lloyd's POV

A few weeks have past by already. Lylian and I have gotten closer to the dragon hunters. Sometimes Lylian forgets why we're even here and sometimes she forgets what they've done. But I don't blame her, she just can't see the bad in these people and she's too young to understand the things that have happened.

I just hope her heart doesn't break when she realizes that we (more like BlackRose and BlackLighting) have to kill them.

The dragon hunters have also taken a liking to us, especially to Lylian. That's probably because she's a ray of sunshine. Unfortunately, Lylian has taken a liking to Mr. Stormbringer... I really wish she didn't, after all he is the man that killed her family. Many times had Lylian almost revealed her dragon side and many times I had to pull an illusion over her.

As for the situation with Mr. Harrison, he seems to have noticed my interest with him. I've tried to talk to him in private but many things didn't let that happen. He seems a lot different from the other hunters... not as brutish.

Well one day I was finally able to talk to him in private... it's was quite strange but at least I know where he stands, well his opinions on hunting dragons that is.

Just like normal, I would pass papers around, eat snacks, and have a chat with some hunters. For some reason Mr. Harrison kept looking at me, almost anxiously. I looked at him before giving him a quick nod and leaving to finish the rest of the errands.

Before going back to Mr. Harrison's office I went straight to Micheal's. Arriving at the office, I asked."Um Micheal, Mr. Harrison seems to need some assistance with something. Is it okay if I help him?"

"Yeah sure, just try not to pay to much attention to his rambling. I'm surprised he hasn't taken a break yet considering he's not in the right state of mind at the moment." He answered as he dismissed me with a wave.

I turned around and started walking towards Mr. Harrison's office. As I walked by, some of the hunters called out to me, warning me about Mr. Harrison.

"Careful kid! He might be mad, but he's still as strong as ever!"

"Don't listen too much to his rambling, might give you a headache."

I simply waved to them as I entered his office. Like the other offices, there was a single desk covered in papers, a bookshelf on one side of the wall, and a filing cabinet across from it. I closed the door behind me and turned around to see Mr. Harrison sitting in a chair.

"Hello my boy, I hope you've been enjoying working here! Has the hunters been treating ya right?" He asked with a very strong accent.

"I've been doing just fine, the hunters have been treated me nicely, now what is it that you want?" I replied.

"Ah straight to the point! I like that about ya, always getting to the point unlike the noble children always using sugary or fancy words to lure ya in! Ha, I won't be fooled, no I won't be! Why can't they be just like ya? Always using big fancy talk, like just get to the point mate!" He rambled as I stared at him awkwardly.

"Um, if you don't need me I'll be on my–"

"I know why you're here kid."

"Excuse me?"

"I know you're not human, can just tell from the look of yer eye. You're a demon child. Somehow you managed to get into here and I want to know how. In fact I want to know why's a demon doing hanging around dragons anyway?" He whispered as he looked me straight in the eye.

I stood there frozen, I could feel the color draining from my face as I stared back. As I fumbled with words, trying to explain to him that he's got it all wrong, he put a finger up, silencing me.

"Don't yer worry kid, I won't tell anyone. And I most certainly won't hurt you or your "family". In fact, I haven't hurt anything in years..." He said, sorrow filling his eyes.

"H-How did you know that I'm a demon?" I choked.

"I'm one of the oldest members, it's easy to tell the difference from a demon a human if ya have the experience. And plus, no human have naturally yellow eyes that glow sometimes. The other hunters might be oblivious to the signs, but I'm not," he explained.

"Oh... so um, ah how do I explain this?!" I said to myself as I glanced around the room with the corners of my room. I scanned for any hidden cameras or recorders.

"Don't worry kid, there's nothing in here that could record ya in anyway. The big boss took those away once he found out I'd gone mad."

"Okay then... I'm guessing you have a few guesses as to why I'm here, along with the dragons."

"Oh I can not only guess, I can can guess and get it correct! I know yer here with the dragons to kill us hunters and I want to help."

"Wait what?! Why? Wouldn't you be killed for treason if anyone found out?" I asked, my mouth hanging open wide.

"Why of yes kid, I would be killed, but I'm willing to take the sacrifice." He said without hesitation.

"But-But whats the point?! Why would you want to help us, the enemy to human kind?!"

"Let's just say, I finally realized a few years ago that we were killing innocent creature for no other reason then greed and vengeance against those who died two centuries ago!" He stated angrily, clenching his fists above the desk.

"When did you realize this? Why did you change your mind on hunting dragons?" I asked, wanting to find out his reason.

"It feels as if it were yesterday. The day we found the royal nest and killed almost every dragon there..."

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