Chapter 28

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Happy birthday to me! I'm finally a teenager! Yay! I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)
Lloyd's POV.

I sat on a bench eating snacks as I watched the dragon hunters train. I let out a bored sigh as I got up and stretched. I walked over to the nearest trash can and threw away some chip bags. I turned around only to bump into Mr. Stormbringer.

"Hmph! Oh sorry Mr. Stormbringer, I didn't realize you were behind me!" I said apologetically. That's strange, why didn't I notice him? I wondered to myself as I shivered a little bit. I just couldn't shake off this weird feeling, the feeling that something will go horribly wrong.

I looked up at Mr. Stormbringer and walked around him. "Can I ask you a favor kid?" He said suddenly, making me stop in my tracks.

"Umm sure, I guess? Depends." I answered confused. What the heck would he ask of me? And why is this feeling getting stronger? Ack! My future vision isn't working either!

"Well kid there's this mission in two days and I was wondering if you and your cousin could come with me. Don't worry the mission is a simple house search. Check for any signs of dragon kind and then leave and report back to the boss." He explained to me, his face emotionless.

Signals were going off like crazy. My instincts to flee became even more intense, making me want to disappear into the shadows and never leave. I gulped before saying,"Um, sorry I don't think I can go. I don't think Lylian can go either but I'll ask her anyway." I said as I started leaving to go back home.

"Well tell me what she says tomorrow kid." He said as he disappeared into the fighting grounds. I stared at where he was blankly before running home.

I looked around the empty house, seeing if BlackRose or BlackLighting was home. Lylian was busy spending time with Elizabeth, eating candy or whatever sugary sweet Elizabeth was buying her.

I ran up to my room. I walked back and forward as I pondered whether to tell Lylian about Mr. Stormbringer's favor. Biting on my thumb I stopped to collapse onto the bed. Debating with myself, I sighed.

What should I do? What should I do? My instincts have been going off like crazy... there's so many red flags... I don't want to tell her, but if I didn't she might be mad when she finds out. Well that's if she finds out, but she would most likely find out. Tch, I guess I should tell her, plus if all these red flags are going off then maybe she's feeling them too. Let's just hope she refuses.

I stared at the ceiling as I finally decided what to do. "I'll tell her tomorrow and if she says yes then I'll try to convince her not to go." I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Eating breakfast, I turned to Lylian and asked,"So Mr. Stormbringer wants us to go on a mission with him and was wondering if we could go. I said no but he wanted to know if you wanted to go. So do you want to go?" Just as I said that, everyone's eyes turned to me.

The adults stared at me suspiciously, but Lylian stared at me excitedly. "Of course I want to–"

"No. The both of you will not go. I–we will not allow it." Elizabeth interrupted sternly, giving Lylian the look as she tried to argue.

"But-but why? I want to go and it seems pretty cool! Pretty please?" She begged, giving her the puppy dog eyes. Using her newest trick into getting what she wanted, she revealed her red eyes and stared Elizabeth in the eye.

"Can I pleaaaaase go? Pretty please?"

Trying her best not to stare into Lylian's eyes, Elizabeth turned her head. "Ugh, fine you can go. Just stop using that trick on me! It's not fair that you can do that to me but I can't do that to you!" Elizabeth complained as Lylian grinned.

"Oh well I win! Now can I have some salt? My eggs aren't salty enough."

I stared at he in silence. Crud... this did not go as planned. I was hoping the adults would convince her... I guess I have too, I sighed. Once we finished breakfast I grabbed Lylian's hand and brought her into a hallway.

"Um Lylian, I really don't think it's a good idea to go. Like at all. I just have this really weird feeling and I don't thinks it's safe."

"Don't worry! I haven't seen anything bad that's going to happen in the future, I think? But anyways I wanna go! It seems really fun!"

"Please don't go. You know the future can change in a second if the right or wrong thing happens. So please don't go." I pleaded, looking her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Lloyd, but I really want to go and there's nothing you can do about it!" She huffed as she turned around to follow Elizabeth.

I let out a sigh. I guess there not much I can really do... I hope she's right and that maybe I'm just overreacting! But the way the adults reacted... I think it's a lot more serious. I still have some more time to convince her not to go!
She left. She's stubborn as heck that's for sure, runs in the family. I just wished that she would listen to me! Well she's just a kid so I understand. "Ughhh! Why the heck did she have to goooo." I whispered to myself as I sat in my own little office, sorting paperwork.

I got up from the chair and left my office to take a walk. Mr. Harrison was right outside my office. Once he saw me step out of the office he grabbed my hand and dragged me to a empty hallway. Obsoletely no one was in this hallway for some reason.

"Lloyd–Your Highness, I need you to leave this kingdom now. Stormbringer has found out about you and he plans to kill you and your cousin. Follow me, I know a secret exit. Grab you cousin and we'll leave right away." He said urgently, dragging me around.

The blood drained from my face. Covering my mouth, I stared at the ground in horror.

"What's wrong You Highness?"

"Lylian is with Stormbringer. At this moment, she is with him on a mission."

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