Chapter 3

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Hope you enjoy this chapter. This is a pic of Lylian's human form, the only thing missing is her feathered ears, fins, and gills. I'm too lazy to add it though.
__ = Wolf language
Italics = draconic
Normal = human languages
Lylian's POV

I had woken up in the later in the night because of my dreams again, but I quickly feel asleep. BlackLightning and the Elwders had told me to tell them about my dreams. This time all I could hear was people screaming. I was surrounded by what looked likes blood. I was calm, these things didn't scare me. I'm a dragon after all, not a human child.

Everything was red, the grass, the sky, even the trees. I saw Elizabeth there and BlackRose too. BlackRose was even in her human form. They were saying something, but I couldn't hear them. It looked like they were screaming. I walked closer to them until I realized that I was taller. This must be a vision, I thought. Why does BlackRose look so sad? Did I do something bad? Tell me so I can do something, please. Then I heard them say,"Run!" Go as faraway as possible!" Then I woke up.

The sun shone through the window, blinding me. I was back in my dragon form. The birds are still chirping so I must've woken up early. I stretched while I looked for Elizabeth. She wasn't in the room, so where could she be? Then I remembered that I was meeting our allies and my cousin.

I chirped until I could hear BlackLightning coming. No dragon can not ignore a dragonet crying for attention. BlackLightning opened the trapdoor and peaked his head through."Are you alright princess?" He asked.

"Yeah, I had a weird dream again" I told him about my dream but I didn't tell him about Elizabeth. He looked worried but quickly hid his emotions.

"It's okay princess, the Elders will know what to do. Now let's give you a bath and get you some breakfast," he reassured. I let BlackLightning pick me by the scruff of my neck and he flew down the tower.

He dropped me once we reached the bottom. I followed him as he lead us to the bathroom where BlackRose is waiting for us.

He quickly nuzzled BlackRose and left before I could make a comment. "Come on princess, let's get you ready," She said. I walked into the bathroom and jumped into the half full bathtub making a small splash.

"Aren't you excited to meet your 5th cousin and our allies? You'll no have to complain about being alone anymore," she asked. She scrubbed at my scales until they glittered.

"Yup! I can't wait! I wonder what my cousin's like? Will our allies have kids I can play with?" I asked.

"I'm sure your cousin is a nice little demon and why yes, our allies does have children for you to play with," She answered.

Once I was finished with my bath, BlackRose took me to the Elders. Once I was with the Elders, BlackRose left to do something. "Are you excited little one? You'll finally have some playmates," Elder Whittaker asked.

"Yes! I'm so excited! Do I get to meet them now? Will I be able to play right away?" I pestered. Th elders chuckled at my excitement.

Elder Magma answered,"You'll meet them soon and yes, you can play with them right away. Also don't forget to speak in draconic."

"Like this? Am I speaking dra-dracoix...draconix!?" I stuttered. I beamed as the elders nodded their head. Elder Whirlpool picked me up with her webbed talons while Elder Ivy made a portal. Elder Whirlpool and me went through the portal first. Next came Elder Solar and Elder Tempest. Then Elder Magma and Elder Whittaker. And finally Elder Ivy went through, closing the portal as she came out.

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