Chapter 22

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Lloyd's POV.

"No reason, so what did you do today? Me and Lloyd found where the dragon hunters guild is!" Lylian said as she hopped off the couch to sit at the kitchen table. I hopped off the couch and sat next to her. I looked to see BlackRose and BlackLighting's surprised faces.

"Already? I thought it was well hidden! Did you get caught?" BlackRose exclaimed.

"No! I saw the Mr. Liam, the human form back then. Apparently Mr. Moore knows him and we wanted to see what a guild looks like so Mr. Liam let us have a tour! It was very easy to get there too!" Lylian said as she nommed away her dinner. "So what did Mr. Moore make you do for work?"

"All we did was patrol the area and watch out for tiny crimes here and there." BlackRose answered.

"What about the mission the dragon elders sent in yesterday? Were you able to do that?" I chipped in.

"The mission was completed, unfortunately it wasn't done by us. A group of dragon hunter had surrounded a dragonet, we were able to save him, but two cloaked figures got to the hunters before we did. I don't think the Elders sent in any reinforcements." BlackLighting said, shaking his head.

That must've been what the hunters were talking about! I wonder who helped save the dragonet? I know the Elders would've told BlackLighting and BlackRose about reinforcements. I thought as I finished my diner. I got up to put my plate in the sink and got ready for bed.

As I laid in bed staring at the ceiling all I could think was this is going to be a long week.
I woke up early so that I could explore the city more. I dressed in warm clothes and this time I told BlackRose about it. Surprisingly she actually let me go, as long as I come back in an hour of course.

I wondered around the city, noting where each shop was and where each guard was posted. As I walked past a well hidden alleyway, covered by a large shadow, I flicked my finger, summoning a small shadow crow.

"Watch the area until I come back and tell me everything that has happened." I whispered to it before walking away. Should I get candy? Yeah why not and plus if I get some for Lylian, I won't get in trouble. I thought to myself as I walked to the nearest candy shop.

I went into the candy shop not before magicking a few silver and gold coins. I bought two bags of candy and sat outside on a pink bench. I sighed as I looked up into the sky. On the rooftops of buildings, I could see the shadow crow hanging out with regular crows, trying its best to blend in. Normal humans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them, only magic users are humans with strong magic eyes, otherwise known as the ability to see magic creatures can see them.

I noted on the candy as I felt a presence sit next to me. "Hi Mr. Stormbringer! What brings you here?" I asked without looking at him. I picked out another candy before looking back at the crow, pretending to admire it.

"Hello Lloyd. Nothing much kid, I wanna asked you something, that's okay with you right?" He asked as I nodded.


"So Lloyd, what were you doing near that alleyway, using black magic?"

I gulped down the candy. Well crud, I should've been more careful. God I'm so stupid! Now don't panic Lloyd, I'm sure you can lie your way out of this one! I reassured myself before saying,"What are you talking about!" Let's see if playing dumb works!

"Don't play dumb with me kid. What were you doing using black magic? Do you know how dangerous that is? You could easily get yourself killed." He quietly said, trying not to draw any attention to us.

"Uhhh... well it's kinda of hard to explain. But please don't tell anyone! If my parents find out they'll kill me!" I pleaded, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Then explain kid. I'll give you five minutes, then I'll tell the guards that you were using illegal magic." He said sternly as I gulped.

Kinda ironic considering our job is literally illegal. "Well you seeee, the rest of my family is able to do magic as you should know. Maybe Mr. Moore told you or maybe he didn't, Well you see for some reason whenever I try to do magic it-it. Well it comes out as dark magic. I've tried many things to try to make it come out normal buttttt nothing worked. Mom and dad doesn't know and I wanted to try one more time to see if my magic changed a little bit, so pleaaasse don't tell the guards or my parents! Pleaseeeee." I lied partially.

"Interesting... I've only heard of a few cases where people are born with black magic instead of normal magic. You're lucky I saw you doing that and not any of the guards." I sighed in relief until he said,"Unfortunately for you I still have to tell someone."

"What?! Wait please don't! I'll do anything. Just don't tell anyone!" I pleaded. You know what, plan b: if he tries to tell anyone I'll just erase his memories. I can't be found out already.

"Well kid, I know it isn't your fault so I'll make a deal with you." He said, looking at me. "I heard that the guild is looking for an errand boy and I think you'll be perfect for it. Whatcha think? I won't tell anybody and you get some work experience."

I stared at him before nodding. "Thank you soo much! How about I come by today, if it's okay with your boss of course?" I said with fake enthusiasm.

Mr. Stormbringer nodded before getting up to leave.

Great. Just great. At least I'll be able to do the mission but then I'll have to work my butt offfff! I thought as I opened the door back to the house. I opened the door to see Lylian sitting on the couch before shouting,"You're back Lloyd! You have candy! Can I have some?!"

I smiled before nodding. "Of course! I got a baggy just for you."

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