Chapter 11

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Welcome back peeps! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Lylian's POV

"You're taking the death of you're family surprisingly well, Princess. Usually dragonets would cry or at least throw a tantrum." I just shrugged my shoulders. I'm also surprised that I'm taking this so well. It's probably because I haven't fully processed it yet.

"Umm, so there's this thing that I'm able to do. It sounds weird and it seems like I'm only able to do it." I started. I hesitated a little, putting my claws together.

"And what exactly is that, Princess?" Deszeld asked. He looked interested in what I am about to say.

"Do you know why I'm able to understand other animals like rats and stuff, while other dragons can't?" I blurted out. Deszeld didn't look weirded out or anything, instead his face was filled with disbelief.

"Tch, Ican't believe the Elders hid that from you. Of all the things to hide." He muttered before asking,"Do you know anything about your great grandparents? Or at least our mythology?"

"I know a little bit about my great grandparents. So apparently my great grandmother married a wolf and had a child with it, my grandma. One of my tutors taught me this! She also said that for some reason it didn't say what species the wolf was though. And I haven't been taught mythology yet." I replied.

Now that I think about it, how does a wolf and a dragon make a child? And how does the child be completely dragon. Wait does this mean I'm part wolf? Is that why I can turn into a wolf? I'm so confused. I hid my face in my claws and let out a confused growl.

"Urmg! Does this make me part wolf?! How come I look entirely dragon?! But then again I can turn into a wolf. Argh!" I started to have a little breakdown.

Deszeld looked a little bit amused, but still had disbelief covering his face. "Tch, I guess I'll have to teach you the things the Elders didn't want you to know." He muttered before telling me,"Let me give you a little history and mythology lesson. Sit down, this is going to take a while and since you're six, I'll try to simplify it for you."

I sat down in front of Deszeld, on the cold stone floor. We are still in the tunnels, but we're deep enough so that there's barely any dragons around. There's also barely any rats around, which is surprising since we're underground.

"Basically there were three gods who created this world, The Mother, The Monster, and The Wanderer. They all worked together to make life on the barren wasteland that this world was. From the Mother's tears came the ocean that filled the world. From the Monster's roar, erupted the land. As the Monster and Mother walked through their newly created world, they made mountains, caves, trenches, and many other things. As the Wanderer traveled this new land, he created the first plants from his blood. F-"

"Wait so what does this have to do me?" I interrupted.

"It'll make sense when I finish. Now try not to interrupt or else you'll have to wait longer. As I was saying." Deszeld said before continuing.

"From this the gods lived in this world for many centuries. Of course many newer gods were eventually born, but they left to create their own worlds, leaving the original three gods to explore their world, of course it took many more centuries for them to leave.

Between this period, the Mother was accidentally injured by the Monster. From her blood sprouted a creature almost identical to her. This creature was known as the Adam of what will be known as us animals. This creature soon became the Mother's mate, making the Mother the first Eve.

Together, they created many creatures, such as; us magics, the canines, the felines, the avians, the reptiles, the water breathers, and many others. There was only one creature for each category at first but soon the Mother created a mate for each of these creature. These creatures had children which was the start of their species. These creatures also started creating their own languages. Soon the Mother gave birth to an mortal immortal. A mortal immortal is a being that can die but their soul never disappears and instead gets reborn into one of their decedents.

After the Mother's creation, the other two original gods soon created their own creatures but you don't need to focus on that." Deszeld took a pause to let me process this information.

I already forgot like half of it already. How is this simplified? This is literally like a whole entire book already! And what does this have to do with my family? This has to do with gods and stuff! I thought. Deszeld waited a few minutes as I tried to remember what he said before continuing.

"The Mother's child become the mortal god that could interact with her creations, unlike her, meaning the creations can see the child. This made the child able to control and order around the creations. And of course the child understood all the languages that the creatures spoke. Once the child became an adult, it took a mate. It's mate was one of the Mother's creation, a magic, to be more specific a creature that would soon be called a Phoenix.

Soon it had an offspring that looked exactly like the mate, apart from the fact that it let out a godly glow. It had the same abilities as both parents and became the second mortal god. This bloodline is known as the supreme ruler of animals, they rule and can control every single animal." Deszeld finished and looked into my eyes.

"This bloodline is still alive today and it happens to be that the dragons have had this bloodline for the past three generations. Do you know what that means?" He asked.

I looked at him blankly before thinking for a little bit. "Umm, that there's a dragon out there that every animal has to listen too?" I guessed.

Deszeld closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened them and said,"Yes but can you guess who has that blood in them. Here's a hint, they're in this tunnel right now."

I looked around to see if there were any other dragon around, I saw that there were no other dragons around, then looked at Deszeld. Wait is Deszeld that dragon. Does this mean he can order me around? But I can order him around so what would that mean? I thought before guessing,"You?" Then it clicked in my mind and I shouted,"Wait is it me?!"

Deszeld sighed and muttered,"She finally gets it." I didn't care because I was too busy having another silent breakdown.

Deszeld waited a few minutes for me to calm down before trying to talk again, but I interrupted him and shouted,"Wait that's so cool! Does this mean I can tell you what to do and you'll have to do?!  Now I can force BlackLightning to give me candy whenever I want! Now no one can tell me no! I can get all the toys I want!"

Deszeld just let out a disappointed sigh and asked,"Is that seriously all you got from what I said?" He then muttered something about 'this is what happens when you tell a child about how they are one of the most powerful being blah blah blah and stuff' but I was too busy talking about what I can force the grownups to do then listen to him.

Deszeld quickly picked me up and put me in between his legs. He whispered,"Shhh, there's someone else here." I quickly shut my mouth as Deszeld hid us in a space between the tunnel walls. Good thing his scales are a close shade to the walls color. I stood in front of him with my wings spread out. I pressed myself against him, trying to make myself as flat as possible.

"Princess I want you to change your scale color to match the wall, do you know how to do that?" He whispered. I gave him a quick nod and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and imagined my scales turning into the gray wall. I imagined the little cracks of the wall form on my scales. I quickly opened my eyes to look at my scales.

Satisfied with how I looked I closed my eyes and waited for the dragon.

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