Chapter 18

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Lloyd's POV

We finally arrived at their headquarters after a long boring ride. Their headquarters are in the third inner ring of the kingdom. While listening to Mr. Moore, I learned that this kingdom has seven different cities, separated by "rings". These "rings" are literally walls built around each city. The smaller cities, also the cities in the first three "rings" are where all the rich people live. The third "ring" is where rich merchants and poorer nobles live. The second "ring is where nobles and the extended royal families and friends live. The first "ring" is where the castle is, it's also where the royal family lives.

The carriage stopped in front of a large grey building. Unlike the other buildings, this building wasn't attached to the others, and it was at least twice the size of the whole block.

Mr. Moore gave us a tour of the whole building, but I wasn't paying much attention. Lylian was pretty much bored out of her mind, she kept walking in circles around us before forcing BlackLightning to pick her up. 

After the tour Mr. Moore sent BlackLighting and BlackRose on a mission right away while Lylian and I had to stay behind with him. Of course this made us uncomfortable.

We sat in front of him in his office as we stared each other down. Lylian wait on the same chair as me and looked down.

"Don't be too shy! I promise I won't hurt you in any way. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?" Mr. Moore asked, forcing us to talk to him.

"Umm, okay then. I'm Larkspur and this is my little sister Lilac. As you know, we're from one of the Eastern Kingdoms." I started, using our fake names. He smiled and waved to Lylian as she kept quiet. She shyly waved back. Strange. This is the first time I've seen Lylian be so quiet or shy. She must really not like Mr. Moore.

"What beautiful names! Now might I ask you, you are old enough to take care of yourself and your little sister right?" He asked.

"Yes, but mother thinks that I'm too young and irresponsible to be left alone or to take care of Lilac," I answered him. Please stop asking us questions. It's awkward. I thought, twiddling my fingers. Then an idea struck me.

"Mr. Moore can you show us around the city? Lilac and I have been dying to try some of the candy here! I heard that it's a lot different than our candies." I asked, looking back to Lylian. Her face lit up at the mention of candy. Not only will we have a chance of finding the dragon hunters but we'll also get candy. It's a win-win for us.

"Candy?! I want candy! Can we go try some?! Can we?!" She exclaimed, nearly jumping out of the seat.

Mr. Moore smiled at her enthusiasm, before thinking to himself. I looked into his thoughts, and smiled to myself. If I bring her children to the city, Rose might get mad, but she might also think of me as a person who loves children. If these children tell Rose how much of a kind man I am, I might be able to woo her. I guess I should bring them out, they might tell me more about themselves and Rose.

"Well I don't see why not. Come, let me show you the city." Yes! I mentally exclaimed to myself. Lylian eagerly jumped off of her chair and followed him, I trailed behind. Mr. Moore led us out to the busy streets of the third ring. Many rich merchants and their families hung around the sidewalk, chatting about. Rich young ladies entered and left jewelry shops, children of all ages ran up and down the streets, playing games.

As we walked to where ever Mr. Moore was taking us, many people, even kids would wave or say hi to him. Guess he's pretty well known and liked by these people. The shops here are adorned with many colored flags, all with the same emblem on it. Two golden lions standing on their hind legs with two swords across them. The shops even have some magic lights that changed color and flashed constantly.

We stopped in front of one of these shops. Unlike the other shops, this shop was painted with pastel colors and have many candies displayed at the giant windows. I could feel the happiness radiating off from Lylian. Her eyes wide with excitement... glowing red. Before anyone could notice I quickly used my magic to "turn" her eyes back to brown. A simple spell that simply put an illusion to make her eyes look brown.

"Go get whatever you want Lilac, but don't take to much. Oh, you too Larkspur!" Mr. Moore said. Exactly when he finished that sentence, Lylian zoomed into the shop and started exploring it. Heh, I've never seen her go that fast unless she's about to get in trouble.

I walked into the shop and started exploring with her. There were other kids in there so I had to grab Lylian's hand or else she would run into them.

The candies here are a little bit different than a demon's or dragon's candy. Here, they were a lot smaller yet they have much more sugary. Demon candy most of the time have magic energy in them, (to help restore a child's magic faster) dragon candy are most of the time infused with gemstone or they are melted gemstones with added sugar in them.

We both got two small bags filled with different types of candy. After we brought the candy we left the store, but before we left the store I noticed the other kids staring at us. I turned around and stared back at them, causing them to turn their head away quickly and going back to looking at candy.

Mr. Moore sat us down on a bench in front of the store. Lylian and I happily gobbled down our candy, savoring the taste. "So, how do you like the candy?" Mr. Moore asked us.

"I sway ith's twasty!" Lylian said with a mouthful of candy.

He laughed before saying,"Of course, it's the best I the land after all! But a lady should never speak with her mouth full, it's not proper."

"Oh... ok then, but why?" She asked.

"That's because a lady should always be proper no matter what." Mr. Moore simply answered.

Lylian shrugged her shoulders, kicking her feet back and forward. All of a sudden her eyes went wide as she stared down the street. She started pointing at a man wearing a yellow shirt. "Look Llo-Larkspur! It's the man from when we were playing in the woods together! With Selena and Jacob!"

I shot my head towards the man and squinted my eyes. Wait... it's really him. I-I didn't think we'd find him already.

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