Chapter 10

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Welcome back and enjoy this chapter!
Lylian's POV.

"Umm, how exactly are we going to do that? At the moment the Elders have more authority then the princess, they won't even listen to her! And it doesn't help that she's so gullible!" Momma exclaimed.

"I'm not gullible! And the Elders will listen to me... I think, but still!" I puffed.

"Do you even know what gullible means darling? Anyway, the Elders definitely won't listen to you, they're too worried about the war to care about what a six year old princess has to say." Momma said.

"What if I order the Elders around?! Then they'll have to listen to me!" I declared.

Momma facepalm herself but Deszeld said,"Thats actually not a bad idea. No dragon can resist a direct order from a royal dragon. Why didn't we think of that?"

"Probably because the princess is a six year old who can't do anything herself! I don't mean to offend you darling, but your awfully lazy. Plus you can't even stand up for a minute without getting tired." Momma exclaimed.

Rude! But true, I thought. "Elizabeth I'm pretty sure the princess can handle herself just fine. You heard about what happened to the dragon she bit thirty minutes ago. Now the hard part is getting to the Elders without getting arrested or attacked on sight."

"We could easily use the princess to get the guards to let us pass or they could kill us and take the princess back." Momma and Deszeld kept talking about how to get to the Elders so I started wandering around the room.

Now that I was away from Momma and Deszeld, a bunch of dragonesses walked up to me to say hi and bombarded me with questions or statements.

"Why hello there Princess! I hope you can forgive us for dragonnapping you."

"Hi Princess!"

"Aww look at you! You're so tiny."

"She's so colorful!"

They didn't let me say a thing as they surrounded me and marveled about me. I huffed and shouted,"I'm not tiny! Leave me alone!" I ran to an empty box and hid myself in there. Poking my head out to glare at the giggling dragonesses. I poked my tongue out at them.

The dragonesses went back to whatever they were doing before they bothered me. I looked at where Momma and Deszeld are and saw that they were still talking. Momma looked at me and let out a giggle. "Hmph! Don't laugh at me! Now if you don't mind I'm going to take a nap. Also I'm hungry." I curled up into a little ball and closed my eyes.

Deszeld let out a sigh. "So this is how the Princess normally acts. I guess you're right Elizabeth, I'm surprised anyone takes her seriously with that attitude," He muttered.

"I'm surprised the Elders haven't tried to control her earlier." Elizabeth replied.

"I heard that! Meanies!" I shouted before drifting to sleep.
I woke up an hour later to the smell of freshly baked bread and eggs. I peaked out of my box and saw a plate of bread with scrambled eggs. Next to the plate a little paper that's says "For the Princess". I hopped out of my box and ate my late breakfast.

One of the Dragonesses from earlier stayed at my side and waited for me to finish. Once I finished my breakfast the dragoness grabbed the plate and said,"Deszeld is waiting for you in the tunnels. Just exit through the door and take a left." I nodded

I walked out the door and turned left. Deszeld was exactly where the dragoness said he would be. "Welcome back from dreamland, Princess. Lets get you familiar with the catacombs so you don't get lost. Follow me please." He said.

I followed him around the catacombs. He went through each tunnel, telling me where how to get back to the main tunnels and which tunnels are dead ends. Unfortunately for him, I have a short memory so we had to go through the tunnels many times. He even tried to make me lead us back to one of the main tunnels, but I ended up getting us lost. Luckily he knew where we were so he lead us back. Ack! Why does the tunnels have to look the same! Why can't they color code this or at least put signs up. I thought in frustration.

Deszeld looked even more frustrated than me. He let out a sigh of frustration after the third time of going around the tunnels and getting lost. I mean it's not my fault I have short memory! Maybe I should have mentioned it before though... but all well! It's uncomfortably silent in the tunnels so I tried to make talk to Deszeld, but he kept telling me to try to remember the tunnels.

After a few minutes of this Deszeld finally said something other then "can you at least try to remember main tunnels" or "why can't you remember which tunnel is which" (these things are pretty rude to say to a six year old, am I right?). "You do know that Elizabeth isn't your real mother, right?" He asked.

"Yup! But M–Elizabeth has been there for me and plus, I don't know my real momma. BlackLightning says that I won't be able to meet her, though." I answered, my ears drooping down.

"Don't you know anything about the 'Incident', Princesses?" He asked, clearly surprised that I didn't know anything about my real momma. What does the 'Incident' have to do with my real momma? I wondered.

"I know that the Elders blame big brother for the 'Incident', other than that I don't know anything else. The Elders don't want me to know so they don't let anyone else tell me." I answered.

"Why would the Elders hide this from you?" He muttered before saying,"The 'Incident' happened the same day you were born. It was a horrible tragedy that happened to the royal family. It's the reason the war started, after all. Only a few dragons survived. Ever wonder why us dragons don't have a queen or a king? Ever wonder where your parents are? Why there's so many rooms in the castle for children?"

"Umm no. The Elders didn't let me roam the castle in case I got lost or hurt. They also made sure that I was with someone most of the time." I whispered. Now that I think about it, a lot of the rooms around mine are empty and I'm not allowed in them. That's very weird. Wait, did he say siblings. But I only have one..."

"They're all dead. Your older and younger siblings. Dragonets still in their egg. Murdered by a human. I'm surprised the Elders hid this from you. Usually the Elders would tell royal dragonets about the murder of their family at a young age to make them stronger. So why didn't they tell you?" He explained, whispering the last part.

"That's not true! BlackLightning said that Momma was watching over me! And he would have told me if I had siblings or BlackRose!" I said. But then again the Elders did say that no one is allowed to talk about the 'Incident' around me. I wonder what else the Elders are hiding from me.

Deszeld seem to understand that I was going through shock from this news. "I know it's a lot to take in, especially for a six year old. Now tell me what else do you want to know that the Elder have been hiding." He said.

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