Chapter 19

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Lylian's POV

I started pointing at Mr. Liam, shouting hello until he noticed me. I smiled and started waving like crazy when he saw me. He looked confused before recognizing me. "Hi there Mr. Liam! It's been a while!" I shouted.

Mr. Moore stood behind me confused. "I didn't know you knew the legendary dragon hunter!? Well little Miss, do you want me to call him over?" He asked me.

Before I could say yes, Lloyd answered quickly,"Yes please! We haven't seen him in a while and we wanted to know how he's doing." I shook in delight when Mr, Moore nodded and waved Mr. Liam over.

If my tail was still here, I'm pretty sure a tiny tornado would've been created at how excited I am. I completely forgot about our mission for the past few hours before remembering. Wait aren't we suppose to get rid of Mr. Liam... yeah I think so. We're also suppose to get rid of his coworkers too, right? I mentally asked Lloyd.

Yeah pretty much, but just keep acting the way you are and please let me do the talking. Lloyd answered back.

Aww, okay then, I pouted but continued to act energetic. Mr. Liam can over with a somewhat serious expression. "Why hello Mr. Moore, I didn't think that these children were yours." He said as he glanced at us.

Mr. Moore chuckled before saying,"Ah, no. These children unfortunately aren't mine. The guards from one of the Eastern Kingdoms has asked me to take care of their two children while they are doing the mission I sent them on."

"Figured, considering they look nothing like you. Hey kid, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you. How have you been?" Mr. Liam directed the last part at me.

I enthusiastically answered,"Oh I've been doing fine! I got to eat a lot of candy! What about you, have you been doing fine?" Lloyd was trying his best to get into Mr. Liam's head undetected, but it seemed like his metal wall is too strong for Lloyd.

Mr. Liam seemed to have not noticed Lloyd and said,"Well Kid, I can't say that I've been doing good, but physically, I'm fine."

Lylian, I want you to ask him where he works and if we could visit, 'Kay? Lloyd asked.

Okay then! Wait, I remember he said that he worked in a dragon hunting guild! I'll just ask him about that! I answered. "So, Mr. Laim, I remember you said that you worked in a dragon hunting guild, can we visit it?! I've always wanted to see what's inside a guild hall! Pretty please." I put on my best puppy dog eyes.

Mr. Moore looked started, but quickly regained composure,"Um, Lilac, I don't think you want to go there. It dangerous for little girls and I'm pretty sure you would want to do something else, like singing and dancing." And it's technically illegal for there to be dragon hunters, but the king hasn't done anything to enforce it yet... so I guess it'll be okay.

Lloyd looked offended when Mr. Moore said that. This sexist piece of s–burnt toast, Lloyd caught himself. I stared at him weirdly before saying,"But I wanna see it! And plus, I don't like dancing or singing. Dancing takes too much energy and it hurts my feet. And whenever I sing I get tired and start yawning."

Mr. Moore stares at me dumbfounded, luckily Lloyd was able to verify it. "It's true! Whenever Mom would take her to have dance lessons, she would always complain about how it took too much energy and that it would hurt her feet. And whenever she would have to sing for a school concert, she would always yawn every fifteen seconds. So yeah, going to a guild is a lot more exciting too!" Lloyd and I are practically begging now. Mr. Liam is amused, while Mr. Moore is still dumbfounded.

"Aww, Come one Aaron, let the kids go. I'll make sure they'll be safe. Why don't you go back to the headquarters, don't worry I'll take them back there." Mr. Liam said, reassuring Mr. Moore.

Mr. Moore hesitated before nodding his head. "I guess so, but please don't leave even single scratch on them, their mother might kill me and I want to have a positive relationship with her." I jumped up in happiness, except for the last part 'cause ew.

"Yay! Let's go now! Lead the way!" I shouted grabbing a hold of Mr. Liam's sleeve. Mr. Liam didn't seem to mind, even when Lloyd grabbed his other sleeve.

"Well then kids, this is gonna be a long walk. So I want the both of you to zip it." Mr. Liam said as he started walking us to the Guild. I happily nodded and started skipping. Little did I know that it was a reaaaallly long walk.
"How we there yet? My feet are starting to hurt!" I complained, annoying both Mr. Liam and Lloyd. Lloyd glared daggers at me, and mentally said, will you please shut up! It's only been seven minutes! And I know that you've walked longer than that without complaining!

Hehe, but it's fun annoying people! And it's way too quite for me! I started skipping faster to keep up with Mr. Liam. He didn't look annoyed at all, as if he was used to this stuff.

"Hey kid, when did your name change from Lylian to Lilac? From what I remember, you told me your name is Lylian. I also remember how your mother was dressed like a noble woman, and how she couldn't possibly be a guard. I also remember your "brother" being your cousin." Mr. Liam questioned.

I turned my head sheepishly and grinned nervously. Before I could answer, Lloyd explained,"We're cousins, but she's currently staying with me while her mom there has important stuff to do. We sometimes call her Lilac because in certain lights, her hair can reflect purple. We decided to tell Mr. Moore that her name was Lilac because lilac sounds better."

Mr. Liam shrugged and said,"I guess so, but next time, it's better not to lie about it, after all, not all of us are as understanding as me or Mr. Moore."

We continued to walk in silence until we reached a bar. Why are we at a bar? I thought we were... ohhhh. It's a secret guild.

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