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Lylian's POV

Two years later...

I ran through the castle halls, dodging surprised maids and guards. Quickly shifting to one of my humanoid forms, I slid underneath BlackLighting as he rolled his eyes at me. He didn't chase after me, just stopped and watch me run through the halls. 

Try creating a realm, they said! It'll be fun, they said! You'll get to watch it grow, they said! They didn't tell me that the time zones would be different until you visited them! And I was hoping to see my own civilization grow... I didn't fricken think that five hundred years would pass by! It's only been fivvvvve days!

I let out a frustrated noise as I stopped in front of a glowing golden door. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and entered the room quickly. The portal room. An extra magical room filled with one of the rarest things in the world, portals to different realms and time zones, maybe to alternate universes. The portals were a natural part of the world that would teleport around until they decided to build around one of them, somehow trapping the portal in place.

I quickly closed the doors, making sure to not let a single magic strand leave else it might disturb the natural balance of the world, or at least around the castle. Don't know how so many managed to get in a single room or why they decided to build a kingdom around something so unstable.

I looked around the room, staring boredly at the whirling swirls all around the room. I could feel the magic power radiating off from the walls. There, in a small corner of the room was a small glowing gold ball, completely separated from the other bigger portals. The small ball was floating on top of a quartz pillar, carved with drawings of humans and dragon-like people. From what I could see, the carvings on the pillar were being carved as major events were happening in that realm.

I walked carefully towards the small ball, careful not to touch any of the other portals. As I got closer, the ball glowed brighter, appearing to come closer to me. I stopped in front of it, holding my hands out, cupping the air as it floated into over my hands. I smiled, marveled at my own creation as it showed my the realm it held.

Just two more days, then it'll be ready to become like the rest of the portals. But then, seven hundred years would pass. I thought as I frowned slightly at the last part. Aww well, at least I'll be able to visit my world.

I let the ball float back to the pillar as I turned around. I think BlackLighting and BlackRose will enjoy having a vacation with me. I hope the Elders will let them come with me though... aw well!

I looked back at the ball one last time before turning to the exit. I have a feeling this'll be a fun vacation and possibly a tiresome one, but more fun than tiresome!

To be continued...

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