Chapter 30

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Lylian's POV

I sat in the closet crying for what felt like hours, but my internal clock was telling my that only a few minutes had passed. I made a small whining sound, hoping that maybe BlackRose or BlackLighting would hear and come get me.

Why is Mr. Liam trying to kill me? What did I do to him? Is just because I'm a dragon? That's a dumb reason to kill anyone. I thought to myself as I made myself smaller.

I stopped crying and started on slowing my breathing. In... and out. In... and out. In... and out. I yawned, feeling dazed all of a sudden. No! No falling asleep! Bad! I scolded myself as I lightly slapped myself on both of my cheeks.

Maybe I could teleport out! Yeah! That definitely work! I perked my ears up in excitement. My ears and horns had appeared, probably when I was too scared to control my magic.

I took a deep breath before smiling. I closed my eyes, thinking of the house we were staying at. I imagined the living room before my eyes shot open. I frowned as I saw that I was still in the closet. How–Why am I still here? I felt the magic flowing through my hands and I felt it travel through my body. So why the heck am I still here... wait isn't this a witch's house? Dang it! That's why he brought me here, there's probably a spell on the house preventing me from teleporting!

I could feel my ears droop as I let out a quiet whine in frustration. The tears were coming back as I got even more frustrated.

Thump... Thump... Thump...

I froze as the sound of footsteps got closer until it stopped suddenly, most likely in front of the door.
Lloyd's POV

I followed Mr. Harrison as we ran through the halls the guild. I quickly passed Mr. Harrison as I glided through the halls. Some people stared at us strangely but simply shrugged it off, probably thinking that Mr. Harrison was making go through some sort of weird training.

Using my mind link, I tried to contact Lylian but couldn't. Why isn't my mind link working?! Tch, I hope she isn't hurt or unconscious.

Suddenly I ran into someone, falling backwards and landing on the ground. "Sorry!" I said as I quickly got up and looked at the person I ran into. Micheal, Stormbringer's son. Heck. Wait, does he know about his dad's plan? If he did, I'm pretty sure he would be trying to kill me. Maybe, just maybe he might be able to help us.

Micheal looked startled before saying,"It's alright Lloyd. What's got you in a hurry?"

"There's no time to explain! My cousin is in danger! If I don't hurry she'll die!" I blurted out as I caught my breath. Mr. Harrison finally fought up, breathing hard.

I quickly ran out the halls, leaving Micheal shocked before following me. "What?! Lylian's in danger?! Please tell me what's happening? I though she was with my father, she should be fine! Unless..." he started as he realized the truth. He stopped, clutching his head and leaning against the wall.

I grimaced as I slowed down, excepting him to chase after my with a knife. Surprised, he shook his head and ran to my side. So I guess he won't kill me. That's nice.

"Quickly knowing my father, he'll torment her before  killing her slowly. I think I have an idea of where she is." He said quickly as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the guild. He turned his head to look at Mr. Harrison before saying,"Tell the boss that Lloyd changed his mind about my father's offer and I'm bringing him there." Mr. Harrison nodded and preceded to run back into the guild.

"Why-Why are you helping me? Aren't you, well suppose to kill me?" I asked confused but relieved.

"Well I'm a dragon hunter, not a demon hunter plus, I won't kill an innocent kid. Unlike my father, I have morals." He answered quickly. Wait, how does he know I'm a demon? Then again, he did quickly figure out that Lylian is a dragon.

"Umm, why exactly is your father so intent on killing dragons? Also why does he even want to kill us, even after getting to know us?" I questioned.

Micheal paused for a second before he continued. "Why? Because a dragon killed my mother, his wife. A royal dragon more specifically."

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." So that's why he hates dragons. That's a pretty common reason too, I should've guessed that. That's probably why he was so eager to go on that mission to kill Lylian's family. 

"It's fine, it happened a long time ago. My father unfortunately, still hasn't moved on from her death and still seeks to kill the rest of the royal dragon family." He suddenly stopped in front brown two story house. "We're here."

I stared at the house, studying it before realizing something. A witch's house... no wonder why I haven't been able contact her. Must some strong spell to be able to stop a ruler from contacting each other or maybe we're just weak... yeah probably that.

I stared at the house before marching towards it. Micheal grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from taking another step. "We need to think of a plan, we can't just storm in. We need to think of one quickly though." He said as he glared at the house, calculating our next move.

"There's obviously going to be magic traps and spells preventing ya from using magic around the house, so that means takes out our magic options. The easiest way in without being found would be the windows, but there's most likely spells keeping the windows shut... I guess we'll have to take the front door. I should go in then you, then my father will think that I know about his plan and think that I brought you here for him to kill. At least, I hope that's what my father will think. Then I could distract my father and you could sneak by and find Lylian. My father will most likely see you sneak past and try to attack you. I'll jump in and attack my father, subduing him the best I can. It'll give you some time to get Lylian and leave. It's the best plan to use at such quick notice." He brainstormed as he scratched his head before turning to look at me.

I nodded as I followed him to the front door. Wow... I wish I could think of a plan that fast. I guess that's why he's stuck in the office writing papers. He opened the door slowly, peeking his head through before waving his hand for me to follow.

I walked in behind him, peeking my looking around the gloomy house cautiously. As I walked in, I could hear loud crying as a little girl sobbed. "I-Im s-sorry! I d-didn't mean t-to!" A slight pain spread from my heart as I recognized the voice. Lylian!

Without think, I ran to where Lylian's voice was coming from. I climbed the upstairs as Micheal yelled from behind me. Blood was all I could smell, but it wasn't Lylian's. I remembered how her blood smelt, it was easy to recognize because she would constantly get hurt, falling and curing herself on everything.

There, across from the stairs Lylian sat against the wall, covering her face with her bloodied claws as she sobbed. At her feet later Mr. Stormbringer's large body. Blood pooled around him, surrounding Lylian in a pool of red.

I ran to he side, jumping over Me. Stormbringer's body as I cradled Lylian in my arms. I made a cooing sound, reassuring her that everything was all right. "It's okay, it's not your fault," I whispered. She let out a small whine as I held her tightly.

I froze as I realized that Micheal was behind us, staring at his father's body. I gulped before stammering,"P-Please don't h-hurt her! She d-didn't mean to k-kill your dad!" I stared at him, waiting for him to react.

He was silent for a couple minutes before staring at us. "Leave the kingdom, someone's going to have to explain what happened here and they'll must likely find out what you truly are. I'll explain to the other hunters that a dragon ambushed you and ended up killing my father. I'll tell them that Lylian was too traumatized and you had to go back home. Now leave quickly, I deactivated the spells around the house."

I did just that, carrying Lylian with me as I teleported to Elizabeth.

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