Chapter 16

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Lylian's POV

Finally, after two weeks of waiting (not so patiently) I get to go one my first mission! The only thing I don't like about this, is that I have to stay in my human form. It's so hard to stay balanced on two legs without tripping every time I walk! Maybe it's because I'm clumsy... yeah definitely 'cause I'm clumsy.

I sat at the castle gate with my backpack, ready to leave. BlackLighting made me pack a bunch of stuff for some reason like six extra pairs of clothes, a first aid kit, and food. There was enough room for one more thing so I packed my blanket.

We have to go there in out human form! It'll take foreveeer to get there! Do you know how slow humans walk? Very slow. Luckily the Elders said that we can teleport about a mile or two away from the one of the human kingdom. I'm pretty sure this one is the farthest away. But, before we teleport there we need to pick up Lloyd first.

BlackRose finally came out with BlackLighting trailing behind her. BlackRose has long jet black hair with a tint of a rosy red at the end. Compared to other humans, BlackRose's beauty would be off the chart considering her age. BlackLighting has neat short jet black hair with a tint of lemon yellow at the end. Just like BlackRose, BlackLighting handsomeness is off the chart. They are both pretty tall, like at least 6'8

Aaaaaand then there's me. I look pretty average for a human child. The only difference is that I could charm an adult better with my cuteness. I have medium long black hair with a tint of purple. I'm also pretty short compared to them. I'm at least a half their size and a few inches more.

For some reason they weren't carrying anything so I asked,"Hey, where is your backpack? Aren't you bringing anything?"

BlackRose looked confused for a second before glaring at BlackLighting. All BlackLighting did was shrug before BlackRose said,"Well, Princess, there's this simple spell that lets us store our stuff in a little pocket dimension. It seems that BlackLighting didn't  inform you of this."

"So are you telling me that I didn't need to spend time packing this morning and that we could've left earlier?!" I asked. BlackRose nodded before I yelled,"BlackLighting you meanie! Why didn't you tell me this before!"

"That was because you were being annoying so O decided to keep you busy, oh look at the time! We should be leaving now." BlackLighting answered.

Throwing a little fit on the way to Lloyd's castle we finally picked him up. I hugged Lloyd and he hugged me back. Lloyd should be twelve years old now. He's going to be a moody teen soon.

Lloyd looked exactly the same, but without horns and a tail. He was also taller now. "Lloyd are you excited for my first mission?!" I yelled.

"Yup can't wait. Also why are you carrying a backpack? Can't you just use your laptop type pocket dimension?" He asked.

"Well BlackLighting was being a jerk face and forgot to tell me about it. Yeah... I did forget I had one but still! Now help me carry it! My back is hurting." I complained.

He laughed a little but grabbed my backpack and put it on. He grabbed my hand too. BlackLighting rolled his eyes and BlackRose gave him a light jab in the stomach.

BlackRose grabbed made us grab each other hand before teleporting us near the human kingdom. Now all we have to do is walk a mile there...
"I'm tired! Can we take a break!" I complained.

"Princess it's literally only been five minutes l, how can you be tired?!" BlackLighting said back.


"Fine then, I'll carry you just stop complaining so much!" I nodded my head as he picked my up and put me on his shoulders. BlackRose was just shaking her head as she held onto Lloyd's hand, but since Lloyd is a big boy now, he tried to free his hand but failed. Once we arrived at the kingdom gates, we had to wait for a guard to make sure that we weren't and people or something.

The whole kingdom is surrounded by a big wall. I could see the top of a few tall houses and buildings. Most of them are made out of bricks or just stone.

Once we reached the gate one of the guards there stopped us. He looked us from head to toe before ordering,"State you names and business! Tell us if you have any weapons or dangerous potions on you!"

I was no longer on BlackLightning's shoulders, and was now standing next to BlackRose. BlackLighting answered with,"I am Barak Lightning, that is my wife Rose, and two children Lilac and Larkspur. My wife and I are the two guards employed from the eastern kingdom to come assist you with your problems. We are both skilled magic users."

The guard simply looked at us and shrugged,"Eh, magic user huh? Well anyway I heard from the king that two guards would be coming here, didn't expect one of them to be a woman. Eh, the more the merrier. Welcome to the kingdom of Prat. We have special housing for you, if you follow that young lad over there, he'll take you to your house."

"Thank you very much." BlackLighting said before having us follow the young man the guard pointed towards. We went in a carriage that rode us to our temporary house. BlackLighting thanked the young man and lead us into our new home. The house is a lot bigger than the other houses here. Our house has a second floor all to ourselves and from what it seems, an actual working water system. BlackLighting told me that the kingdom of Prat didn't really have a working water spice because of its lack of the right technology.

Once we unpack our stuff (more like my stuff 'cause I actually have a bag to unpack) into the house, BlackRose looked at BlackLightning and raised one of her eyebrows. "Flower names huh? Couldn't you be a little more creative when giving fake names?" She questioned.

"It was the only thing that I could think of that started with L." BlackLighting answered.

Once we finished unpacking we ate dinner that BlackRose magicked. After all hat BlackLightning sent us to bed. I get to share a room with Lloyd! Yay! The bed is pretty big so we'll both be able to fit with extra room to spare. I grabbed my blanket and sat on top of the sheets. Lloyd sat underneath the sheets and used it as his blanket. BlackRose and BlackLighting said goodnight to us just before we went to sleep. I cuddled with Lloyd.

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