Chapter 2

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Forgot to put what the "Mother" thing meant. Whoops. I don't want to fix the pic for the fifth time so I'll just explain it here. When it says species, mother is the exact dragon type she is. Like how there is fire, water, ice wind, etc, mother just so happens to be only the royal dragons. It will be explained in detail later in the book.
Lylian POV.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a voice saying, Wakeup little one. It's time to leave. Confused I looked around for the voice, only to see nothing. Then I noticed her, sitting on my bed with her back facing me. She appeared out of nowhere. She looked like a human but I sensed something strange.

She looked like an older human version of me. She had long black hair all the way to her hips. She looked pale, even under the moonlight. She wore a long, black elegant dress, with silver embroidered into it. Then I saw that she had pointed ears instead of rounded ones. She turned her head to face me, her blood red eyes glowing. She let out a smile, showing two pointed teeth. "Wh-Who are you?" I whispered.

How rude! You don't remember me? Then again you were only an infant. Oh how I missed those days! Ohh, am I talking too much? Anyway I'm the person who raised you when you were a babe-Err-Dragonet. My name is Elizebeth Zaya, but you can call me whatever you want, She answered.

"Wait, so you raised me? Does that make you my momma? Can I call you momma? Also how come I can hear you but your mouth is closed? Also didn't the elwders raise me? Also where are we going?" I pestered. Slowly moving towards her, I plopped my head on her lap.

Of course I raised you! Why else would you be more caring then the other dragonets? You can call me whatever you want darling. The reason I can talk without opening my mouth is I'm talking with my mind. We're going to a human festival in the Forest of Spirits, Momma explained.

"Aren't humans bad? The Elwders told me they were dangerous for me to go near," I asked.

Well darling humans are bad and dangerous, but these humans are good. She reassured. But just in case, why don't you transform into your human form?

"Okay momma!" I yelled. The scales on my back turned to short black hair. Some of my scales turned into a blue dress and tights. My tail and wings are gone. My webbed talons turned to skinny long fingers. The only thing about me that looked like a dragon are my horns, my ears, and my eyes, but the skits in my eyes were barley noticeable. Momma used magic to hide my horns.

Momma picked me up and walked towards the window. She opened the window and jumped. Wind rushed up our faces, we were falling very fast. I couldn't make a sound. Everything around us is blurry. As we were about to hit the ground we suddenly stopped before gently landing on grass.

Are you okay darling? Momma asked.

"Can we do that again momma!? That was fun!" I shouted

Chuckling Momma said, I guess you're okay.

"Are you a halfling* Momma?" I asked.

Good heavens no! I'm a pure blooded vampire! Do I look like a halfling? She asked, offended.

Momma started looking for something around the tower, muttering about a shortcut to something.

"Are you talking about a shortcut to the Forest of Spirits? 'Cause if you are I know how to make a portal there!" I questioned.

Really? I didn't think someone can possibly be able to do that at such a young age! Can you show me? Momma exclaimed.

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