Chapter 14

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This chapter will be longer and after this chapter we'll have a special chapter again! I hope you enjoy this.
Lylian's POV.

Today's the day I'll finally be able to go home and sleep in a comfy bed. I just hope that the Elders don't hurt Momma or anybody else.

We stood in a big clearing with a small pond in the middle. I sat in between Deszeld and Frost. Momma sat stood next to Deszeld.

I fidgeted with my claws and played with the grass. It's so booooring waiting and doing nothing. I listened to the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds. I closed my eyes and thought about the conversation I had with Momma earlier.
"Hey Momma, how come it's only going to take like two days for the rebellion to end? I thought rebellions took longer?" I asked her. We were walking towards the meeting place and I didn't want to walk in silence.

"Actually the rebellion started two years ago, not two days ago. We were just waiting for the perfect moment where everything would go perfect for us. Also, we needed to make sure something was wrong with the Elders. Once we confirmed our suspicion, I had to leave and get our plan in motion," Momma answered, walking in front of me.

"No wonder why you started leaving me alone! Do you know how lonely I was?! Next time can you at least leave candy?" I exclaimed.

Momma chuckled and said,"Of course darling, let's just hope that there won't be a next time."
I opened my eyes and looked to the sky. It's almost noon and the Elders still aren't here! I thought that the Elders would get here early like they usually do for things, but I guess not. I don't want to stay here for any longer! Please hurry up! I want to play with StarFox and Aquatic! As if the I projected my thoughts (which I probably did) the messenger came followed by the Elders.

I sighed in relief when the Elders appeared. The Elders lined up in front of us, while the messenger walked over to us. Elder Magma look a lot more angry than normal, while the other Elders are just angry. Elder Whirlpool looked the calmest out of them.

Elder Whittaker stepped forward and growled,"Deszeld. I should've known it was you who started this shenanigans. But now that we're here let's discuss your terms."

Before Deszeld or Frost could speak Elder Magma interrupted. "Why is there a vampire here? I didn't think you'd stoop so low that you need a vampire to help you," mocked Elder Magma.

I turned to see Deszeld reaction but he remained calm. Momma on the other hand, she is clearly annoyed with the Elders and said,"Excuse me, but I remember raising your Princess when everyone else was too busy trying to get back at the humans or mourning! And don't try to deny any of this, 'cause you came to me for help!"

That seemed to shut Elder Magma up, some of the other Elders looked ashamed. Elder Tempest, usually the quietest and maybe the oldest of the Elders spoke up,"I apologize for my fellow Elders behavior, but you must understand we want to keep her innocent for a little longer. It's best that she doesn't see the bad things or have so many responsibilities at such a young age."

"Yeah well you didn't have to hide her heritage from her! You could've at least told her about family! Or her blood. You're her kind, you're suppose to teach her this not me! Why else would I not tell her?!"

Before Elder Tempest could explain, Frost interrupted. Clearing his throat he said,"May we please start the negotiations first, then you can go back arguing with each other?" Momma and the Elders glared at each other but nodded.

Deszeld looked at Momma and then the Elders before saying,"As you know, we want you to stop this war and also to stop trying to use the Princess to control this kingdom. We know what you do to the Prince, and which that you stop trying to manipulate the royal family. We know that you've been imprisoning innocent dragons that have done nothing then try to convince you to stop this war. If you try to deny this, we have proof of many of you're wrong doings."

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